Sunday, September 24, 2017


Consider some of the thoughts and research I have and still continue to compile: for a better understanding of A.Maslow and current housing conditions in the USA. ( I want to extend some thoughts on HOMELESS CITIZEN HOUSING within the Public Sector.

In prior post I have mentioned the ideal of a Dome Nation. Whereby the conditions of homelessness (without housing-desiring housing) is so overwhelming, that it provokes citizens (for the people, by the people) to act upon the trickled down affects of municipal, local and state effort to secure the best interest of the collective citizens. This is not an easy task of course, and is done differently state to state, city to city and so on. However I do want to point out, that conventionally this issue of homeless housing for homeless citizens (as defined by McKinney and Vento 1986) is not a condition so easily attended to by the civic orders of municipalities. It has been more correctly (due to Civil Liberties) an issue done by Faith Based Organization and Non-Profit. But these day, with all things possible (ex: Los Angeles City Mayor: Eric Garcetti's 2015 $18 Million Dollar grant exclusively for Homeless Issues) has turned much around.

I want to point out the importance of why the term HOMELESS CITIZEN must be used. In some cities, an array of shelters provide the interim of "temporary" sheltering. As programs (ex: Vocational, Substance Use etc) transition these to meet the needs of each citizen on an individual basis.

Many times the needs are not met because 'SOCIO FACTORS" interrupt, what should be an INDIVIDUAL personal life objective. Not a collective interruption of all clients, by some clients: who as a total are citizens. If outside this arena of shelter transitioning, I have experienced that most American Citizens are respectful the majority of the time to one another.  Yet somehow within the Homeless Shelter environment, this is not the case.

First of all, CONFIDENTIALITY seems to be leaking. It is not necessary an inner staff issue. It definitely occurs when stolen items such as backpacks, personal papers from various departments of Federal and State offices are stolen.

Secondly, with homeless transitioning it should be a matter of individual personal development. Self determinism. Then at no time should socio factors such as gossip by an one individual be verbally express by other individuals; nor should individuals be so willing to share their individual service provided with other clients. This is not the time for SHOW AND TELL. It hinders the entire transitioning objective of the collective.  This also ends up costing the organization more money, seeming recidivism become increased. And last increases the tax dollar provided through grants etc need, seeming successful transitioning can not be accomplished, in such hostile environments. Is this intentional by a few, who may have other alternative motives or duties???


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