Thursday, June 23, 2016


A Macro 10, is a theoretical term that details the logistics of a geographical location. The logistical data that is valuable not only to consumers, but also political strategy projections, CRIME Index Reporting, Societal Development (urban/rural/and infrastructure), Poverty, and local/State business growth. The logistical data collected, creates a macro societal trend index: which provides logistical insight into future trends in social settings. In the United States, the Macro 10 city provides insight into the next 10 years (decade) by which the nation will experience similar growth.

PRIOR MACRO 10 CITIES in the United States:

1990-1999  SEATTLE, WA

2000-2009  LAS VEGAS, NV

2010-2019  PHOENIX, AZ

2020-2030   LOS ANGELES, CA (Second time as a Mac 10 city. First time 1970-1979)

For Los Angeles, the future is going to be real bright (GOLDEN) as detailed in a G.Q. article Jan 2016, Los Angeles has come to some incredible ethnic fusion, that is producing an original energy that is amazing.  Just as Seattle, WA had a global influence from 1990-1999, Los Angeles can look towards the same growth.


1) Los Angeles host the Superbowl and the Los Angeles Rams and Los Angeles will be the first team to host the super bowl and win the super bowl.

2.) Los Angeles host the Olympics for the second time

3.) Los Angeles city mayor and staff provides a national blue print for civic involvement with homeless programs that are effective.

4) Los Angeles creates prisoner felony discharge programs.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016



DATE: Oct 2015-Nov 2015

INCIDENT: I enter the Los Angeles downtown library. I only have my cell phone. Intent, to charge cell phone and download window/word application. The download is taking longer than expected and keeps fall off. I continue various ways, and get 3 magazines to content me during the wait.

The download has still not complete. What should have been 1 hour at max, has now turned into 3 hours. I still continue, and now get 3 books to content me during the wait. I am getting frustrated, the download falls out again. As I am thumbing through one of the books, with no interest in any of them.  I accidently tear one of the pages out of the book.

A Librarian (Civil Employee-by the state taxes from the people of the state) hears a page torn and confronts me. I do not respond. The librarian make assumptions. I do not respond. The librarian radios to security. I do not respond. She informs security to come and instructs the dispatcher who she wants to come. She also lets the security know, that she wants the police called and that she is making a "citizen" complaint. She is on the clock of the citizens. The library already has an internal security department.

After she finishes her call. I inform her, she can have her data back (the 3 magazines, the 3 books and now 1 torn page: which is not damaged and usually is taped back in (total cost $0.05)) and that I will be waiting in the lobby for security. I get up and walk out to the lobby. She radios dispatch and informs them I am moving into the lobby. Once in the lobby I kick back and wait for security.

One security guard arrives. She expresses to him, where are the two she REQUESTED. He informs her, they are probably head to the first call and her second call, results in him attending to it. She informs him that I am the person that the first call is about. She wants him to take me to the security office, and when the police arrive, make sure he tells them-"SHE IS PRESSING CHARGES". Surprise to me, seeming she is a civil employee on the clock. Such actions remove the authority of the police (now the police can only apprehend), it removes the authority from the internal security guards (all paid for by taxes payers) and I am a citizen (resident) of the state. WHAT IS THE PROBLEM HERE!

This seemed like an easy event. But it turned to the worst. I will not plead guilty. I want a jury trial. The public defender agrees. First the state wants 1 year probation. Not happening as far as I am concern. I want a jury trial. Next hearing the state wants 1 year off paper probation. The judge is not happy with the state’s decision and decides to take a recess and let the state consider what they are asking. Public defender lets me know, that request is rare and judges usually do not let it occur.

They recess. The state and public defender go to inform her (civic employee) what is going on. When public defender returns, she informs me that this case is making her mad now. While they were informing her of the state’s decision. She explains that maybe she made a misjudgment and that I at first seemed like A HOMELESS MENTAL PERSON.   I am a tax paying citizen (San Diego County) and I feel offended, that a civil employee can't seems to understand--She should consider, that we the citizens are the client, the customer, the people: like her, we have our civil liberties and she is on the clock. Her personal opinions should be constrained or she should not go into civic work.

Is this what this nation has come to? Has the people, forgotten who they are and who has the voice of weight in this nation? Do civic employees realize - that they, are subject to discrimination just like private industry: and yet their discrimination is worst. Their discrimination is against another citizen, who they are (while on duty) obliged to. Each time a civic employee discriminates, against a citizen they minimize the civic interactive trust. I look to teachers, enforcement, civic administrations as having my/our best interest at hand--seeming this is the nation for the people by the people.

I am homeless and a civic employee wants to insult me! I will always remind those around me that civic duty regardless of the field should always be: STRENGTH BASED, SELF DERMINATE, EMPOWERING for all citizens. Would anyone appreciate a teacher telling a student that they are "stupid"!  A social worker telling a client, they are "lazy and need to get a job"--Seriously once again I am getting disappointed in my nation, now in the state I was raised and educated in. What ever happen to radiating GOLDEN California Love!

Worst part of this incident. I didn’t get a jury trial. The state had to drop the charges, the 5 days in jail ---I guess covers the mistake (as I see it). I wanted this to be determined by the citizens, seeming we are paying for it. So what do you this the total cost of this entire incident (police apprehension, 5 days in jail, 3 court appearances ) cost LOS ANGELES COUNTY (my guess-- $10,000.00, when a $0.05 piece of tape would have resolved the issues.

The judges who was not comfortable with the states decision of 1 year probation off paper, was excellent.  As stated, if the states get what they want (1 year probation off paper) then on the 11th month, odds of me getting a simple arrest, will result in the state having to explain, where's the data of the 1 year probation, which they won't be able to provided:seeming they wanted that way!!! What was the state thinking????