Wednesday, August 30, 2017

URGENCY Diminished Drug Court California


Let see in Los Angeles, I was accused of a crime, and went to court. I desired a trail by jury. The state dropped the charges. Now if there is any reality a persons substance use and the civic, then proper procedure should be followed. Such as Drug Court in California. By which a court order is determined. Yes l would want the courts to determine this issue.

Proposition 36...more commonly referred to as "Prop 36" a criminal sentencing initiative that was passed by California voters on November 7, 2000. Prop 36 requires that eligible non-violent drug offenders serve their time in a drug treatment program instead of in jail or prison. Eligibility is a legal determination based on the nature and type of charges filed against a defendant as well as that defendant’s prior criminal history. Pursuant to existing MOU guidelines (see Appendix I), the District Attorney makes all eligibility decisions. The most significant component of eligibility is a demonstrated substantial substance abuse problem associated with criminal conduct and an effort to balance the concern for public safety. Unlike eligibility, suitabilityis a more comprehensive assessment. The Court in consultation with the Drug Court team determines suitability.

The Court will consider a Drug Court Treatment Center (DCTC) assessment, a criminal history proffered by the District Attorney, Police Department and the Adult Probation Department, and any other relevant information. Suitability measures, among other considerations, the likelihood that an offender will participate in and complete the DC treatment program. Suitability is determined based upon a person’s level of addiction. Clinical team members will design a treatment plan based on individual need. An individual may be determined to be unsuitable for DC participation when that person is likely to pose a danger to the physical and emotional well-being and recovery efforts of other participants.

The Court, with input from the defense attorney, district attorney and probation, will make an early legal determination of unsuitability if the defendant is unlikely to participate in residential or intensive outpatient treatment services under the supervision of DC.

Since eligibility for Drug Court participation is not a right of the defendant, the Court may terminate a participant at any time. 

In the state of Arizona, the following are the drug court determinations: The Maricopa Count Adult Drug Court has been in operation since 1992. The program offers a cognitive based, outpatient counseling and drug monitoring program for offenders. Client program compliance is monitored regularly by the Drug Court team. The team consists of the judge, probation officer, public defender, county attorney and counselor. Participants are drug tested randomly at a minimum of five to eight times per month, and are required to attend support group meetings, in addition to the group counseling sessions. Drug Court clients participate in Healthcare Literacy classes in an effort to encourage healthcare enrollment and/or utilization of treatment services, including medically assisted treatment (MAT). 


  • Probation eligible drug related felonies with at least two years' probation
  • Must reside in the Drug Court supervision area

  • Marijuana conviction only or the defendant possesses a verified marijuana card
  • Sales offenses ARE NOT eligible unless charges are pled down from sales
  • Stand-alone first-strike Prop 200 cases
  • They do not reside in the Drug Court designated zip code area

  • Length of Probation grant determined by defendant's compliance to program requirements
  • Fines deferred
  • Random drug testing
  • Team supervision: Judge, Public Defender, Probation Officer, Counselor
  • Treatment services based on a clinical assessment
  • Rewards and incentives for program compliance
  • Added resources for family
  • Pro-social activities
  • Credit for Community Service

Strange Shit in San Francisco (now, L.V, PHX, SD, LA, SF)

So San Francisco, I am baffled! At what point is it that an individual should or is able to comprehend that a collective of  other individuals are HELPING them. Isn't that usually expressed to determined if that is what the individual is in need of. If that collective determines that maybe this individual's CIVIL LIBERTIES, should be waived and that decision that need to be made, might not be possible for them to make. At that point isn't tradition, legal  requirement that competency must be determined.  IF SO, if a collective believes that are helping someone, and they don't inform the person of that believes of why the help is need. Then what help are they. Who are they really helping?
And to think a person should easily accepted unwarranted assistance? UHM dark age mentality!

So if I smell like shit, its because as in every city since 2007 (Las Vegas, Phoenix, San Diego, L.A. and San Francisco) something in the city isn't functioning correctly!  The smell and behavior as long as it does not and is not affecting me medically, then my plight continues  I am destine to get the closure I demand, especially since it becomes an UTILITARIAN benefit to what would be my profession in Social Service!. Also the thin line between hi-tech noise mute devices and over-dub or verbalization that is scripted to STRESS an individual is cruel. No different than the business owner in L.A. who put water sprinklers on the outside of his business to water down, homeless citizens who decided to sleep/camp outside his business.  Stressed Transitioning Development, uhm that results in higher medical and mental bill paid for by the TAX PAYERS for the newest groups of STATE DEPENDENT CITIZENS  that derived from dysfunctional county, state, federal programs meant to assist, not STRESS into fear.

Above is the album cover from my favorite band and my favorite album by them. Sunday 8/27/2017, some general comments of a monkey (could have said any ape like creation) and a banana. These random out of context expression (are they meant to be taken seriously as racial, UHM!) Really, uhm I guess Capelton
was right. So as far as Cali goes, there won't be a need to prepare with CaliExit because their won't be a union to exit from!  I so tried of bullshit fake propagranda, being used to stir up civic confusion to begin what could be fostered by a few into a riot. Then they will want it to be termed a race riot! We will all lose! We will lose the nation, first!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

CALAFIA and ESPANDIAN FIGHT against Christians. (History of California) Series by Paul Goree

I'll be doing a series of written works complied, which will explain the energy and history of California. The first of these is from author Garci Rodriguez de Montalvo, whose frictional tale of Queen Calafia is our basis.

Calafia is a pagan who is convinced to raise an army of women warriors and sail away from California with a large flock of trained Griffins (a legendary creature with the body, tail, and back legs of a lion; the head and wings of an eagle) so that she can join a Muslim battle against Christians who are defending Constantinople. In the siege, the griffins harm enemy and friendly forces, so they are withdrawn. Calafia and her ally Radiaro fight in single combate single combat against the Christian leaders, a king and his son the knight Esplandián. Calafia is bested and taken prisoner, and she converts to Christianity. She marries a cousin of Esplandián and returns with her army to California for further adventures.

(image Queen Califia by CalifiabyTheArthurWrigh)
The name of Calafia was likely formed from the Arabic word KHALIFA (religious state leader) which is known as CALIPH  in English  and CALIFA in Spanish. Similarly, the name of Calafia's monarchy, California, likely originated from the same root, fabricated by the author to remind the 16th-century Spanish reader of the Reconquista, a centuries-long fight between Christians and Muslims which had recently concluded in Spain. The character of Calafia is used by Rodríguez de Montalvo to portray the superiority of chivalry chivalry in which the attractive virgin queen is conquered, converted to Christian beliefs and married off. Califia, has been depicted as the Spirit of California, and has been the subject of modern-day sculpture, paintings, stories and films; she often figures in the myth of California's origin, symbolizing an untamed and bountiful land prior to Europeans taking the land by force.

In the book The Adventures of Esplandián the story of Calafia is introduced as a curiosity. Calafia is introduced as a regal black woman, courageous, strong of limb and large of person, full in the bloom of womanhood, the most beautiful of a long line of queens who ruled over the mythical realm of California. She commanded a fleet of ships with which she demanded tribute from surrounding lands, and she kept an aerial defense force of griffins, fabulous animals which were native to California, trained to kill any man they found.

Calafia meets Radiaro, a Moslem warrior who convinces her that she should join him in retaking Constantinople from the Christian armies holding it. Calafia, in turn, convinces her people to take their ships, weapons, armor, riding beasts, and 500 griffins, and sail with her to Constantinople to fight the Christians, though she has no concept of what it means to be Moslem or Christian.

Landing near Constantinople, Calafia meets with other Moslem warrior leaders who were unable to remove King Amadis and his Christian allies from the city, and she tells them all to hold back and watch her manner of combat—she says they will be amazed. The next morning, she and her women warriors mount their "fierce beasts" wearing gold armor "adorned with the most precious stones", advancing to invest the city.

Terrific battles raged along the city's walls but the attackers were repulsed. Calafia led a picked group of women warriors to attack a city gate, one held by Norandel, the half-brother of King Amadis. Norandel charged out of the gate against Calafia; upon meeting their two lances were broken but the warriors remained standing. They struck at each other with sword and knife, and a general melee ensued, Calafia throwing knights from their horses and taking great blows on her shield. Two more knights charge forward from the city, nobles named Talanque (a nephew of King Amadis) and Maneli, a prince of Ireland. The next day, Calafia duels with King Amadis trade blows until he disarms her and knocks her helmet off. Both Calafia and Radario surrender to the Christians.

While being held prisoner, Calafia acknowledges the astonishing beauty of Leonorina, daughter of the Constantinople emperor and the intended bride of Esplandián, and resolves not to interfere with their union. She accepts Christianity as the one true faith, saying, "I have seen the ordered order of your religion, and the great disorder of all others, I have seen that it is clear that the law which you follow must be the truth, while that which we follow is lying and falsehood." She marries Talanque, a large and handsome knight who fought with her outside the city gate; similarly, her sister Liota marries Maneli, Talanque's companion in arms. The women return to California with their husbands to establish a new dynasty complete with both sexes, as a Christian nation.

(image: Espadian  by: Getty)         
The first voyage of Christopher Columbus. Christopher Columbus in the late 15th century sparked a new interest in the search for "Terrestrial Paradise", a legendary land of ease and riches, with beautiful women wearing gold and pearls. Spanish author Garci Rodriguez de Montalvo Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo drew upon reports from the New World to add interest to his fantasy world of chivalry and battle, of riches, victory and loss, of an upside-down depiction of traditional sex roles. Around the year 1500 in his novel The Adventures of Esplandián, he writes: "Know ye that at the right hand of the Indies there is an island called California, very close to that part of the Terrestrial Paradise, which was inhabited by black women without a single man among them, and they lived in the manner of Amazons Amazons. They were robust of body with strong passionate hearts and great virtue. The island itself is one of the wildest in the world on account of the bold and craggy rocks."

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Different Types of Trespassing

Recently I was confronted by a San Francisco citizen who drove by me then backed up. I was sitting on the sidewalk eating resting my feet for a moment. She fired a series of questions at me. 1) Do I intend on staying in that location?
I told her "No", she replied "How long do you think you'll be there?". I told her about an hour.

She then repeated the first question , "Do you plan on staying in that location?" I pondered the question and relpied " well I'm considering the Trespass Option?" I don't think she found that funny ( I did) and so she asked " Do I plan on being there tonight?" I told her "No". She drove off it seemed.

Only to return 30 minutes later asking me again "Do I plan on staying in that location?" I looked at her and smiled seeming since her return I thought rationally like I seem to do. This was her neighborhood and thus she is a property owner not me. Just like the business man in L.A. who turned the sprinklers on while I slept outside one of his businesses. I thought that was cruel but still rationalized it as his property .

The lady saw my smile and me packing up my food. She apologized and told me that lately there have been several break in entry attempts and car damage. I told her I understand her looking out for the best interest of her neighbors (Neighborhood Watch), but I wanted her to get a gist that although she made no claims, judgements were made against all citizens sitting/laying on sidewalks. If she is concerned about her civil liberties, then the only correct option (other than me leaving which is what I was in the process of doing) would be to call the police and make a claim against me for trespassing.

This is why in the  'Dome Nation' ideal/concept a legislative difference must be made between 'homeless citizens trespassing' and other types of Trespassing. Below is an example of  Criminal Trespassing in California.

California Criminal Trespass Laws
Penal Code 602 PC
California Penal Code 602 PC prohibits the crime known as criminal trespass. Put very simply,
you may commit the California crime of trespassing when you enter . . . or remain on . . .
someone else's property without permission or a right to do so.1
California trespass law sets out literally dozens of situations in which the offense of trespass may
take place...some that are common, and some that are highly unusual or even a bit bizarre.2
Here are some examples of behavior that can lead to criminal trespass charges under Penal Code
602 PC:
• Because of a personal grudge against a restaurant's owner, entering the restaurant and
creating a disturbance that drives other patrons away;
• Entering another person's unused garage without their consent, setting up a sleeping bag,
and sleeping there for several nights; and
• Threatening to beat up an ex-girlfriend and then, a few weeks later, going to her office,
apparently intending to behave violently toward her.

Saturday, August 12, 2017


First there are some things to note. July 07, 2017 through July 08,  2017 I posted on Twitter several post that detail events that occurred in Vegas, that seem to have some repeat essences in Phoenix, San Diego, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

paul dewitt goree @paulgoree2016
I avoided the continued attempts of what R.O.P.E correctional collective believe may have been desires involvement. I did not want to be in!
paul dewitt goree Tweet text
Today I was thinking about a general time line of events to add to this collection of post.  It's important to note that in 1988/89 I was charged with embezzlement in Orange County Courts and did "time" and community service. After which I left the state of California. The importance of this, is because I have been involved indirectly with 2 FBI stings.
1) Cleveland, OH : While working as a contract worker/conversion for LTV STEEL with EDS (Plano, TX). I was placed in the benefits department and one of the workers. A retired special force veteran was caught and charged with embezzlement of Pension funds. When we were notified I was indifferent to his actions.

2.) Las Vegas, NV: While a client at Salvation Army, after doing my time in jail (for crimes 1 in Las Vegas) and while on probation. The Director of Transitional Vocational Programs was caught and charged with embezzlement of funds for the new church on the Las Vegas Salvation Campus.

I think this is odd, twice in a life time. Nevertheless I think these all have some connection.

- I worked at Paris Casino (Park Place Entertainment). I took another contract job against by best judgement with Kelly Services and at the end of training Park Place Ent. bought my contract and I was placed in CHARGE BACK CONSUMER ACCOUNTS. Waiting for my direct supervisor to return from Washington D.C.

- I had gotten accepted at UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA LAS VEGAS. That campus did not have a Sociology department nor Social Welfare, thus they placed me in Health Care Administration. Seeming my intent was to follow through with my pre-bar application and go on to law school, at UNLV. My pre-bar application was filled out in Cleveland, OH at Cleveland State University.

- I didn't like nor want to do another contract assignment. Still upset about what happen in Cleveland, with the war hero. So I quit and got a job as a Administrative Asst./Recruiter at WESTAFF Las Vegas. 

- Westaff was going so well business wise and thus cuts came from corporate. One of the recruiters wife worked in the HR department of G.C. Wallace and made it known to Westaff management and me that Scott Wallace and G.C.Wallace was interested in hiring me as a temp. Then train me to be Scott Wallaces personal assistant. Until that training was complete, I would work as the purchaser for the Las Vegas office, the Henderson office, leaving only the Sacramento office untouched. Scotts son was running the Sacramento office. I had to quit this job because someone was extorting me over a cell phone. I had arrange for new phones for many of the employees from all 3 service providers at the time. The remaining old phones we had to buy out the contracts. I asked the CFO Mr. Peterson, could I donate the phones and one year service to domestic violence safe houses. He said yes. Only problem, none of the safe houses could accept the phones due to the contract, which might lead to the location of the client. They could only accept the phones if they were turned off. I gave one phone to a "friend" for emergencies and he told others and then someone decided they were going to force me to give them the same deal for a year. I instead quit my job that day and told them to fuck off. I never let G.C. Wallace know what happen. They called my parents who they had met while on vacation. And asked to see if I was OK and what happen. My mom stated that they wanted to me to come back to work, but I couldn't do that - seeming I felt my actions to help one, was a risk for the entire company. While there I was still doing meth/R.E.D.U and it was brought to my attention, that Scott's son in California had a run in with some meth users and got caught up in the sub-cultural collective drama that is associated with meth. 

After I left G.C. Wallace, I was going to head home to California, but felt odd about the people who I was hanging around. My apartment went into evictions and a new "friend" asked his cousin could I stay with them. We both got jobs at a catalog company (I believe the name was CSA) the owners split and the other owner opened the same company but with a different name (I believe NSA). Nevertheless both companies provided consumers catalog credit for a fee. Also included was a possible checking account/money management account and free money orders. The merchandise was reasonable considering this is a consumers decision. The price to become a member was high considering it was targeted at low income persons. For whatever reason the owner did not like me and I was fired. Before that firing I was suppose to be moved into the legal department to be an assistant.

I got arrested for 6 counts of attempted murder, possession of illegal substances (X-Pills) and intent to distribute. I got booked, then the police department labelled me a WALK. I called the District Attorney who said although I walked, that does not mean that I will not still be in the system. The statue of limitation for walks in Nevada is 7 years. They will keep me on file for 7 years and then if no repeat offenses occur then they would drop it from the D.A.s office. I really hate when a person does not get a court hearing. I question with reason if this police arrest still exist in the Las Vegas Police department as it should. I would prefer had I gone to court for an arraingment, but I didn't get to make that decision, uhm!!!

Later that year, I applied and was selected to work for a company named ENCORE. We were working on Microsoft Messenger Program development and state of the art call room surveillance and client/corporate real time interruption during calls with customers. This account if successful would also include Disney. Microsoft drop the program after 1 week.

We were later re-hired but this time for T-MOBILE.   Thus I ended up being contracted out through Express Personnel for ENCORE for T-MOBILE. This was great, considering earlier in 1996 I was in Kansas City Missouri and went through 4 weeks of interviewing with Sprint. I was hired but was unable to afford remaining in KCMO. I turned down so many companies. Like Western Auto and a Legal Firm. I really love the CEO of Western Auto who was concerned about PAC MAN like auto part stores developing ending regional intent and sales. Being too greedy!!!


Friday, August 11, 2017

FORD GOBIKE---Innovation For the Future-Henry Ford would be very proud of Ford GoBikes!

Detroit’s most famous cyclist: Henry Ford

At just after 11pm on March 6th 1896 the first motorcar on the streets of Detroit was piloted to a stop on Woodward Avenue. This car was driven by its builder, 28-year old mechanical engineer Charles Brady King. King’s horseless carriage had been followed by a tall, slim man on a three-year old bicycle. This bicycle was the slim man’s pride and joy, an individual means of transportation affordable by almost all. The slim man was Henry Ford. Three months after riding behind King, Ford knocked out the wall of his home workshop at 58 Bagley Avenue in downtown Detroit and went for a drive in his first automobile. This was the Quadricycle, featuring a great many bicycle parts, including steel spoked wheels and pneumatic tyres.

Ford sold this car to his friend Charles G. Annesley for $200. Annesley, like Ford, was a cyclist. Annesley was nephew of one of the wealthiest men in Detroit and was friends with Barton L Peck. Peck, son of a wealthy industrialist, was another of Detroit’s wheelmen. Before it was a Motortown, Detroit was a Bicycletown.
(Henry Ford and his bicycle, 1893)

Annesley and Peck were moneyed and educated. Ford was neither but the three had a joint interest: their bicycles. Annesley and Peck could afford the latest models; in 1896, Ford was still riding on the bicycle he had bought in February 1893. Ford rode to work at one of Detroit’s Edison electric plants on his bicycle. William Simonds’ 1946 biography of Ford said “As became an engineer making a good salary, Mr. Ford wore a handsome moustache, and could be seen frequently on his bicycle pedalling on some errand.”
Simonds also recounts how, as a practical joke, Ford ‘stole’ a Rambler bicycle a co-worker had on a test-ride: “Mr. Ford was seen rounding the corner of State Street. He laughed so hard he fell off the bicycle…”

Ford also cycled to work when he was developing the Model T. He may be known as the kick-starter of the US automobile industry but he was careful with his money and knew that his trusty bicycle could get through Detroit quicker than the town’s streetcar trams.
The rest of Henry Ford’s story is well known. (Maybe apart from the fact, he remained a cyclist. Time magazine, in August 1940, reported that, on his birthday, the 77 year old automotive billionaire “took a ride for photographers on the light (12 Ib.) English bicycle on which he likes to take a three-mile spin every evening after supper).

Ford’s cycling friends, Annesley and Peck, largely faded from history. Annesley’s main claim to fame is for a letter he wrote in 1901, disparaging the prospects of his old friend.
While working for the Buffalo Gasolene Motor Company, of Buffalo, New York – a manufacturer of boat engines – he answered a job application letter from another friend, Walter Marr (later to be chief engineer at Buick).

Annesley wrote: “What is poor old Ford doing? I feel so very sorry for him. He is a good man and perfectly capable;, and yet cannot get out of the hole just because he won’t leave Detroit.”

Just because Henry Ford rode a bike, that doesn’t make him an angel. In fact, Ford was an anti-Semite and, at one time, made sympathetic overtures to Adolf Hitler. And, guess what, Adolf Hitler was a cyclist, too. In the First World War he was a bicycle messenger, as shown by his military records. This document says he was a “radfahrer”, a cyclist, not a motorcyclist, that would have been written “Kradfahrer” in military jargon. Hitler’s time as an Austrian fixie hipster didn’t leave a good impression: when in power Hitler’s Nazi party enacted a number of anti-cycling laws, aiming to get cyclists off roads, leaving more space for the “peoples’ cars”

Henry Ford would be very proud of Ford GoBikes!

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Proposal For D.E.S.C. (Department of Economic Security of California)


 June 2015, I wrote the Governor of California-Jerry Brown. Informing him of state administered entities and county administered entities. California is a county administered entity: which nationally the majority of the states are state administered entities. There is a huge difference, that is a forth coming factor. By which Federal block grants and worst, Federal Categorical Grants create inefficiency in state funds from Federal means. Categorical Grants are special interest based Making them dependent on statistical special interest populations state wide:compared to county wide census.  Categorical grants could be the equivalent to Affirmative Action, but to a state.  The following link, provides a genral understanding of the 1980 era when state had the option/debate of increasing their 10th Amendment rights and how the Federal Government limited those options. (

Yet within the state, the needs of the total vary. From county to county the need varies, making some funding not accessible to the entire state total population, thus affecting the states economic status as a whole. This is what urged Arizona in 1995 to decentralize from the Federal Governments D.H.H.S department. The inconsistency of the Federal Government when it came to 1) Administration Changes 2.) Budget Cuts 3.) Block Grants 4.) Budgets Not Being Passed: resulted in a HALT for the citizen within the state. Why should that be! Thus removal from the Federal Governments strangle holding department of D.H.H.S provide the state freedom to tend to each citizens needs within the state and stablize the states economy. By which growth can be derived from citizen incorporation into the tax system (State, County, City).

A state that is concerned with it's economic status, thus can consider: Making the entire state a state of economic security. This mean each citizen in the state (from the first born, to the oldest ) is equally important to the over all needs of the state. Thus education is primary and must be first priority, seeming that is the future. Another example, persons with felonies must have their full citizenship returned. So that they can re-incorporate into the society as TAX PAYERS. Some state have a judicial system whereby a misdemeanor is punishable by 2 years, before the misdemeanor can be squash. Thus making it impossible for the citizen to work for 2 years. That's 2 years of not tax paying possibility for that citizen, and a dependency on the state for 2 years.  Such states neglect the obvious factor, that when a citizen is HOMELESS and is given a Trespass violation, resulting in a misdemeanor. The entire state suffers and loses, economically.  This is why Felony Reform must occur and it must happen within the state: Instead of Federal mandates.  

State dependency becomes a modern problem. It is due to lack of state progression, in regards to federal regimes/administrations that the state (due to lack of 10th Amendment increases). State dependency is no fault of the individual state citizen. It is the fault of the state, by which no progressive legislation has allowed the FREEDOMS allocated in the Bill of Rights to be utilize by a state citizen, who has been removed from the macro society: only to be returned to the macro society. With inefficient rights due to the lack of all of their civil liberties being returned to them. How are they to be benefit the macro, with inefficient rights. They can not even contribute to the entirety of the whole: through taxes. Thus the state becomes responsible and easily incorporates Federal mandates and state legislation that affects the states economy. They create a dependency for some citizens, who would otherwise want to be tax paying citizens.

All of the tax dollars generated when the entire state (highest proportion to population) becomes the total greater GDP of the state. Current problem, a larger number of the total population is exempt due to constraints that are social civic created.  All of these socially civic creations are detailed by theorist such as A. Maslow, D. Thoreau even to social revolution theorist Thomas Hobbs and Carl Marxs.

I have written 80% of Regional HUD offices across the nation: detailing to them The Maslow Theorem.  In 2014 these correspondences/ website links started as private emails and letters. Then they were posted for the general public. In California the regional office for the 3 Western States (CA, NV, AZ) is in San Francisco, CA.  As I was disappointed with D.C. HUD grievance procedures by which the Federal government constrains D.C. HUD to grievances that are of a 'discrimination' variable. I was disappointed because all other grievances regarding actions done wrong by landlords or placement services (non-profit/state behavioral services/hospitals/social work agencies) under Categorical Grants are handed over to the regional offices to DELEGATE. 

This is wrong,considering the regional offices did not get the option to create the by-laws by which the grants and funds should be administered regionally or state wide. It's like the Federal D.C. saying "DO AS I SAY, AS I MAKE THE RULES and YOU (Regional Offices) DELEGATE MY DIRECT ORDER!"  Is that representation of the PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE. NO! Then ask about housing problems. Whenever the dictator in D.C. at HUD express any solution: it becomes a complicated trap. Example McKinney and Vento Act 1987. Today that act is the problem by which funds are not getting to those that need it. Only when Obama took office was some financial funds allocated to homeless and soon to be homeless citizens, through the Rapid Re-Housing Program. 

California chose to use those funds for the "soon to be homeless citizens". President Obama's plan had two options: The funds are for "soon to be Homeless Citizens" or "Homeless Citizens who met the McKinney and Vento Act of 1 year homelessness resulting in homeless status of habitual homeless. Nothing else has been done, and in the interim of this: Some state have given all behavioral diagnosis that are no longer under DSM 2 purposed in  DSM 3. For example in DSM 3 the following is stated: " The evolution of diagnostic criteria for behavioral disorders involving alcohol reached a turning point in 1980 with the publication of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Third Edition (14). In DSM-III, for the first time, the term "alcoholism" was dropped in favor of two distinct categories labeled "alcohol abuse" and "alcohol dependence" (1,2,12,15). In a further break from the past, DSM-III included alcohol abus e and dependence in the category "substance use disorders" rather than as subsets of personality disorders (1,2,12)." ( DSM 31995 Alcoholism).

It is this kind of determination by which alcoholism at some points became a behavioral diagnosis, making it eligible for McKinney and Vento classification. In the state of Arizona, such behavioral services as South West Behavioral Service, was awarded Categorical Grants for persons with lack of housing, without a behavioral diagnosis. Thus when complications result in a grievance with the Federal Government HUD, it is inappropirately forwarded to Regional HUD. Regional HUD had nothing to do with the legislation of the McKinney and Vento Act or the changes involved with DSM edition changes. So how can regional hud provide a accurate decision on a grievance, that was created by Federal ruling in D.C. and not to the particle factors of a citizen within a state. This is the Federal governments way of sweeping under the rug, civic issues of the poverty and passing it alone to the state.

In California Jerry Brown has to contend with his opposition, which in 2015 made one factor clear. Can the children of California be number ONE for the first time in history. If we can make this possible, then why haven't we. If the California economy is 6th largest in the world, then why are California children not ranking number one in the United States and world. Where are the language options in K-12. Bill Gates once stated that American high school students with a HSD are not globally prepared, seeming they are limited on language options-and can only speak one or two languages. In California I remember 1984, high school reduce language options to only 3 (Spanish, French and German) but increase ESL. SSL should have been a state mandate, providing an advantage to California students. Why was this not done.
The following link details Jerry Browns opposition critic on poverty in California.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Mi ESPIRTO current employment attempts and my decisions: RETREATISM

As I am coming to some ending decisions. First all that occurred in Phoenix, AZ and all that occurred in San Diego, CA. In Phoenix, I had to deal with Margaret Finn and her neglect with not attending to a Separation Intervention from the Phoenix Police department. And thus the hostile environment she place another client (SMI) in became the hell, which I would rather REVOLT and the RETREAT to have time determine her action. I only request CLOSURE from her. 

In San Diego, CA I first was being interviewed for a contract position doing conversions for a San Diego bank. I had to decline due to my state of mind and my distrust of invisible person (in San Francisco they are not so invisible considering the banking industry...uhm!). But I did find employment doing what I love best, research. I had to quit that job due to circumstance, which I now just title: RETREAT...My plan to retreat from society seeming I can't find content peace without sub-cultural collectives intervening.

Here is my latest employment search in San Francisco by which I had to decline the offer. Including another employment job I got in San Francisco working for MUNI doing research which I could not attend the orientation due to my homeless status and lack of  "means of civil constructed reality" (shoe that are not talking, clothing, etc)!