Sunday, April 29, 2018

Twitter Post About Current Game

Apr 25
Also thinking about ORWELL, chapter 8 Animal Farm...well I guess since I always wanted a DOMINO EFFECT (1999-2018) by gosh someone else out there and in San Francisco thinks the same!!! Let's get it started! I'll be the HAPPY SMILIING Domino.
Reminds me of Phoenix, AZ. Then a carriers small leather bag-carrying good news! Now it's a brief case the kind that LAWYERS carry, hopefully carrying a DOMINO EFFECT (1999-2018 every corporation, celebrate, enemy, friend, and hating sub-cults) Now it's the CHIESPIRIT BAG.
Uhm the Chiespirit bag. It's the full story-all that is natural in the universe that God created, and all that is cursed and withered. I can't think of anything by which I could do, but then other could maneuver not knowing the entire TRUTH and what their doing! Thank Yaw'll!\

I've waited since 2000, for this bullshit to break. The Michael Moore stories didn't trigger a thing, ABQ Police Academy-The USA Navy, nothing trigger a fucking thing! To bad I don't break windows, but will love the DOMINO EFFECT, especially how it'll effect LAS VEGAS, NV.

 paul dewitt goree @paulgoree2016 Apr 25
E.D.S tried this surprise going away party for me, when my contract was over at LTV Steel/EDS. It didn't go well! Their the geniuses, I think they along with FBI could let somethings be known! THE TRUTH! So don't start what you've started San Fran, obvious many here are in too!

Saturday, April 28, 2018

GRID LOCK SAN FRANCISCO---Civic Civil Liability

 Image result for government gridlock

San Francisco let's not pretend that grid lock in this city/county, regarding housing and homeless citizens has not been a reality for the past 15 years. Worst than this grid lock reality, is the timeline/history of my 1 year residence in the city/county of San Francisco. Which documents the events of housing/homelessness I have been confronting since 2008.  Especially from H.U.D. DC, with it's poor decision to refer my grievance to regional H.U.D, San Francisco for a grievance against South West Behavioral Services case managers, Margaret Finn and Johnny Garcia.  So my arrival May 2017 was already hexed with civic bureaucracy, that would not place me nor my complaints/posting in favorable light. In fact, some might think, my whining is excessive, with invalid accusations.  But then how I'm living this experience and how it is being comprehended might be two different things all together. Or worst PHISHED!

When I arrived in San Francisco, I felt that the Homeless Citizen 90 day Shelter Bed program was questionable. Seeming it nor any other civic operations has able body Transitional Homeless Citizen Programs. They simply provide 90 days, and services such as employment, conventional housing, social security disability, medical, behavioral referrals. But no full 2 years Homeless Citizen Transitional Development Programs.  Seeming 311 is a city/county provided service, by which city/county tax dollars pay for it. The 311 90 day Shelter Bed Programs seems to be inefficient when dealing with the concerns and totals  needs of citizens at the cost of all citizens.  Whereas private enterprise business, could say but never do, they can afford to lose a customer. 311 and all other Civic operations, can never say-"They can afford to lose a citizen".  Yet they have lost me and perhaps others due to inefficiency and consistent procedural discrepancies.

The Grid Lock I have experience being a homeless  citizen in San Francisco for one year; has reached its worst as I prepare to leave the county/city.  My story is as follows: I was discharged from a respite 4/20/2018. I was admitted to the respite 03/02/2018.  I was admitted to General Hospital San Francisco 02/19/2018/ - I was discharged 02/21/2018. For some reason which my doctor does not understand, the problem with my discharge which was reckless and rapid.  I was discharged to a shelter for only one day.  My doctor then looked into why I was not discharged into a respite considering, my operation was a cervical spinal operation and it takes up to 90 days for full recovery.  6 of those 9 days in another shelter (via the shelter reservation program). I spent 3 of those days on the streets, including 2/22/2018 the day after the surgery.

At this point all seemed fine until 4/20/2018 when I discharged from the respite. I called 311 on 4/20/2018 to accept my 90 Shelter bed.  I called late and there were only two choices, Dolores #1 and Dolores #2. I chose Dolores #2 for personal reasons posted August/September 2017.   On 4/28/2018 I decided to call 311 and see if I could relocate/transfer to another shelter.  The reason for my request was that seeming 90 days for full recovery had not pasted, a top bunk was not a good option for me, and thus I was going to need a bottom bunk. The 311 operator basically informed me that ' once a decision is made as to which shelter the client desires. It can not be change.' He suggested I talk to the Dolores #2 staff and see if arrangement could be made. In the past 311's suggest only resulted several forms to be filled out and verified by a doctor, by which a decision would not be made within 90 days. Thus I found not need to take the suggest seriously. Instead I asked, "How could I make a reservation at Providence?" The 311 operator informed me that I would have to end my current/new 90 day shelter bed reservation (72 hours) and then request a 90 day shelter bed, placing me at the bottom of the list again. At that time, I could then request a shelter bed at Providence and if one was available at the time of this change, then it would be provided.

Since that conversation ended, all I kept reflecting about was that back in Nov 2017, I started to prepare for my relocation from San Francisco to Los Angeles. And considering the inconsistent public service of housing and homeless citizen housing/sheltering in San Francisco, all I can think is GRID LOCK-System Error Somewhere in SF-GRID LOCK-System Error Somewhere in SF-GRID LOCK-System Error Somewhere in SF-GRID LOCK-System Error Somewhere in SF-

I recently did an assessment for PTSD by which new hypothesis question the effect of day to day stress on PTSD. The new considerations at this point is a new program titled REPS-Resolving  Psychological Stress. I was not chosen for the research, but during the assessment the discussion of my PTSD from an assault upon my eye and face (random act of violence) in Los Angeles came up for further review.  Yet as I was answering the questions and reflecting upon how I feel about the incident, by which the Police Dept was informed after the expiration for random acts of violence from a hospital emergency room. A citizen has 24 hours to get to an emergency room, when it involves a random act of violence and or assault that is not reported or doc'd by the police themselves. I arrived at the hospital 38 hours later. Thus the admitting nurse and the hospital social worker did not know how to attend to my admittance. They call the police just to be on the safe side. As the police was taking my statement, he noticed that  my timing/date was off. When he asked "Exactly when did this incident happen?" The hospital and I both informed him of the accurate date. He then went on to explain to the hospital staff, that this  report is going anywhere, because the date is printed on the complaint from the 911 operator when the call is coming from the hospital and or involves any act of violence by which the state takes on responsibility for the victim. He was upset at them for not realizing this and he was upset with me for not cooperating fully. 

Thus the PTSD from my injury from another citizen is important. But I think I have experience more day to day stress leading to incidences by which PTSD occur from the CIVIC Operation/Civic Employees.  My Paul Goree -TIME LINE of CIVIC OPERATION ADMINISTER INCIDENCES:

1# Las Vegas, NV 2009: Clark County Social Service Case Manager, upon the statement of another client. Proceeded with housing fraud upon me. The request was denied by her superiors, but made me seriously question my future in Social Service/Sociology. Seeming NASW Ethics demand that case manager client relationship be attended to. Thus no case manager/social worker should ever take the complaint from one client against another client (seeming these clients are CITIZENS).

2# Las Vegas, NV 2011: Labor Commission of Nevada/USA.  I fully understand the purpose of the Labor Commission and its regards toward protecting the employment rights of all citizens. Thus if one of us allow our employer to take advantage of us: it effects all of us. Yet at the same time I can not let my own opinion and Liberty be pushed aside for what usually result in legislative changes. One year before the incident with the Labor Commission placing me against my prior "quasi" employer, I wrote a post titled WHOSE TIME IS IT ANYWAY? /tag/part-time-employment/ 

3# Phoenix, AZ 2012-2014: South West Behavioral Service and Margaret Finn/Johnny Garcia.  Finn and Garcia were not responsive to client nor intra-Civic Operations to provide preventive measures regarding the housing of Homeless Citizens with the Housing of SSD Homeless Citizens with a Federal HUD Categorical Grant.

4# San Diego, CA 2015: Obama Phone and California Lifeline vs. SafeLink.  Safelink services provided me a second line of service on my account.  Which was immediately denied by California Lifeline (which cancelled the second line of service) and Safelink Corp. itself. The guideline by which California Life Line operate does not provide two lines of service. Even through the system by which Safe Link and California Life Line will provide 2 lines of service. Some how a rep. approached me and offered me the phone. Which I sort of agree with the rep. Seeming since eligibility is based on financial need. The need of adult clients with children would be ground upon which a second line of service should be provided. So that parents can keep in touch with their children.

5# Los Angeles, CA 2015: Los Angeles Public Library Civic Employee and The State of California. Till this day I do not understand how a civic employee believes that when they are on the clock (of the tax payers) that they are regular civic citizens. Only active military has 24/7 detail. Thus this case still baffles me.

6# San Francisco, CA 2017-2018: 311 90 Day Shelter Beds, San Francisco Social Service GA Program, Transition Homeless Programs. Since no Homelesss Citizen Trespass Option without Criminal Intent exist currently in the California Revised Code. Homelessness is going to be really an issue with California as the Homeless Citizen population increase nationally. In San Francisco it seems that 311 90 Shelter Beds (paid by city/county taxes) are up against San Francisco Social Service GA program who also pays for bed with client award. Yet still there is a huge GRID LOCK situation going on with San Francisco and it's citizen base population, who are HOMELESS. Don't forget San Francisco that 'SHELTER' is the last accomplishment we as a society must accomplish as detailed in A.Maslow Theory of social upward mobility to survive.
Here is a link that currently  explain the GRID LOCK of San Francisco homeless situation.

So is it me or is it the nature of the beast: CIVIC BUREAUCRACY. Regardless one fact I won't stand by idly and let our state and nation slowly be minimized-as if nothing is going on. Thus it is imperative that we Americans understand the CIVIC can never express sentiments that suggest..."We can afford to lose a citizen!" Because we are the very citizens who are the people for the people as a collective state/nation.

So 311 San Francisco, do you or do you not allow transfers? If not why offer a service that is only going to not be particle to a citizen base that is 'TRANSIENT" in their collective individual nature of existence. The inconsistent or sudden changes by which Homeless Citizen will often use, is not a measurement of their behavior. It is a measurement of the changes in society, by which the civic legislation has not caught up with. The sad affair is the stress it causes on the citizens, both homeless and not! Is our civic municipalities ready to take on the LIBEL responsibility that is associated with the stress that they place upon citizens?  How do we begin to measure this stress? Are Tax payers going to want to accept the payment of taxation for Civic stress created by civic employees and the civic municipal? 

The following is from my Chiespirit blog, explaining stress, the importance of Stress Management. 

Posted By Paul Goree 12/10/2017
Consciously acknowledging all that is in existence upon the earth-as created by God (the creator of the universe). Through Chi-Espirit we can develope a natural appreciation and respect for one another: by which we enable ourselves to LOVE God (by severing him) and Love one another!

How stress affects your health

Opening by Paul Goree 12/11/2017 San Francisco

It is so critical that we understand and acknowledge the stress we cause upon each other as we interact. This stress minimizes us as it is a silent killing medical factor: that leads to strokes, heart attacks, and anxiety, paranoia and self-esteem issues. As we interact, we have the capability to consciously consider how our actions, words and thoughts might affect another individual, creating stress on them. By which they go throughout the day passing that stress and anxiety on to others. If it is know that proximity to someone who is happy with a positive perspective, can increase our attitude, cause us to be more positive. This is a great STRESS REDUCTION and collectively inspires positive growth and empowerment. As American our individualism is attacked daily, with negative comments. These comments may not be directed at us, but the reception of that negative comment towards someone else, has the same affect, considering we are a collective of individuals with individuals liberties. This enhances our liberties of what it is we want and can accomplish in this nation. Why would those who are directly linked to us, want to bring the collective down with negative comments.
Negative comments are intentional expression that aim to attack an individual’s liberty! They also linger in the conscious mind and causes passive stress. This passive stress grows and grows, leading to the worst paranoia. Why do we do this? My liberties and freedoms are vested in your liberties and freedoms and at this era of human history-we can consciously acknowledge this and decrease negative energy, thoughts, expression and passion verbal assault. We then can learn and grow from that by which we are linked. The individualism/difference is where we all have an advantage, to increase and cement our liberty.
The following is report is from the American Psychological Association, detailing the importance of recognizing the health dangers of stress. This is something that is very Chiespirit as it --makes us consciously consider our creation from God and how we are all linked as one. So let's start consciously doing some things that are extreme POSITIVE. Knowing that negative energy will still and always be presence (Ying-Yang). But we can serve God by loving one another and helping one another come to higher understanding of our existence on this beautiful planet. 
How stress affects your health

Stress: We've all felt it. Sometimes stress can be a positive force, motivating you to perform well at your piano recital or job interview. But often — like when you're stuck in traffic — it's a negative force. If you experience stress over a prolonged period of time, it could become chronic — unless you take action.

A natural reaction

Have you ever found yourself with sweaty hands on a first date or felt your heart pound during a scary movie? Then you know you can feel stress in both your mind and body.
This automatic response developed in our ancient ancestors as a way to protect them from predators and other threats. Faced with danger, the body kicks into gear, flooding the body with hormones that elevate your heart rate, increase your blood pressure, boost your energy and prepare you to deal with the problem.
These days, you're not likely to face the threat of being eaten. But you probably do confront multiple challenges every day, such as meeting deadlines, paying bills and juggling childcare that make your body react the same way. As a result, your body's natural alarm system — the “fight or flight” response — may be stuck in the on position. And that can have serious consequences for your health.

Pressure points

Even short-lived, minor stress can have an impact. You might get a stomach-ache before you have to give a presentation, for example. More major acute stress, whether caused by a fight with your spouse or an event like an earthquake or terrorist attack, can have an even bigger impact.
Multiple studies have shown that these sudden emotional stresses — especially anger — can trigger heart attacks, arrhythmias and even sudden death.1 Although this happens mostly in people who already have heart disease, some people don't know they have a problem until acute stress causes a heart attack or something worse.

Chronic stress

When stress starts interfering with your ability to live a normal life for an extended period, it becomes even more dangerous. The longer the stress lasts, the worse it is for both your mind and body. You might feel fatigued, unable to concentrate or irritable for no good reason, for example. But chronic stress causes wear and tear on your body, too.
Stress can make existing problems worse.2 In one study, for example, about half the participants saw improvements in chronic headaches after learning how to stop the stress-producing habit of “catastrophizing,” or constantly thinking negative thoughts about their pain.3 Chronic stress may also cause disease, either because of changes in your body or the overeating, smoking and other bad habits people use to cope with stress. Job strain — high demands coupled with low decision-making latitude — is associated with increased risk of coronary disease, for example.4 Other forms of chronic stress, such as depression and low levels of social support, have also been implicated in increased cardiovascular risk. And once you're sick, stress can also make it harder to recover. One analysis of past studies, for instance, suggests that cardiac patients with so-called “Type D” personalities — characterized by chronic distress — face higher risks of bad outcomes.5

What you can do

Reducing your stress levels can not only make you feel better right now, but may also protect your health long-term.
In one study, researchers examined the association between “positive affect” — feelings like happiness, joy, contentment and enthusiasm — and the development of coronary heart disease over a decade.6 They found that for every one-point increase in positive affect on a five-point scale, the rate of heart disease dropped by 22 percent.
While the study doesn't prove that increasing positive affect decreases cardiovascular risks, the researchers recommend boosting your positive affect by making a little time for enjoyable activities every day.
Other strategies for reducing stress include:
  • Identify what's causing stress. Monitor your state of mind throughout the day. If you feel stressed, write down the cause, your thoughts and your mood. Once you know what's bothering you, develop a plan for addressing it. That might mean setting more reasonable expectations for yourself and others or asking for help with household responsibilities, job assignments or other tasks. List all your commitments, assess your priorities and then eliminate any tasks that are not absolutely essential.
  • Build strong relationships. Relationships can be a source of stress. Research has found that negative, hostile reactions with your spouse cause immediate changes in stress-sensitive hormones, for example.7 But relationships can also serve as stress buffers. Reach out to family members or close friends and let them know you're having a tough time. They may be able to offer practical assistance and support, useful ideas or just a fresh perspective as you begin to tackle whatever's causing your stress.
  • Walk away when you're angry. Before you react, take time to regroup by counting to 10. Then reconsider. Walking or other physical activities can also help you work off steam. Plus, exercise increases the production of endorphins, your body's natural mood-booster. Commit to a daily walk or other form of exercise — a small step that can make a big difference in reducing stress levels.
  • Rest your mind. According to APA's 2012 Stress in America survey, stress keeps more than 40 percent of adults lying awake at night. To help ensure you get the recommended seven or eight hours of shut-eye, cut back on caffeine, remove distractions such as television or computers from your bedroom and go to bed at the same time each night. Research shows that activities like yoga and relaxation exercises not only help reduce stress, but also boost immune functioning.8
  • Get help. If you continue to feel overwhelmed, consult with a psychologist or other licensed mental health professional who can help you learn how to manage stress effectively. He or she can help you identify situations or behaviors that contribute to your chronic stress and then develop an action plan for changing them.
The American Psychological Association's Practice Directorate gratefully acknowledges the assistance of David S. Krantz, PhD, Beverly Thorn, PhD, and Janice Kiecolt-Glaser, PhD, in developing this fact sheet.


1 Krantz, D.S., Whittaker, K.S. & Sheps, D.S. (2011). “Psychosocial risk factors for coronary artery disease: Pathophysiologic mechanisms.” In Heart and Mind: Evolution of Cardiac Psychology . Washington, DC: APA.
2 Kiecolt-Glaser, J. & Glaser, R.
3 Thorn, B.E., Pence, L.B., et al. (2007). “A randomized clinical trial of targeted cognitive behavioral treatment to reduce catastrophizing in chronic headache sufferers.” Journal of Pain 8 , 938-949.
4 Krantz, D.S. & McCeney, M.K. (2002). “Effects of psychological and social factors on organic disease: A critical assessment of research on coronary heart disease.” Annual Review of Psychology, 53 , 341-369.
5 Denollet, J., et al. (2010). “A general propensity to psychological distress affects cardiovascular outcomes: Evidence from research on the type D (distressed) personality profile.” Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, 3, 546-557.
6 Davidson, K.W., Mostofsky, E. & Whang, W. (2010). “Don't worry, by happy: Positive affect and reduced 10-year incident coronary heart disease: The Canadian Nova Scotia Health Survey.” European Heart Journal, 31 , 1065-1070.
7 Kiecolt-Glaser, J. & Glaser, R.
8 Kiecolt-Glaser, J. & Glaser, R.
Revised 2013
The full text of articles from APA Help Center may be reproduced and distributed for noncommercial purposes with credit given to the American Psychological Association. Any electronic reproductions must link to the original article on the APA Help Center. Any exceptions to this, including excerpting, paraphrasing or reproduction in a commercial work, must be presented in writing to the APA. Images from the APA Help Center may not be reproduced.


Friday, April 20, 2018


 Image result for ethnic names

I would and have been offended being called Muhammad. When that is not my name at all. My first name is Paul, named after Paul McCartney ...YES from the BEATLES. That's how much of an affect the Beatles had on Americans, including African Americans. My last name is Goree, by which my grandfather is named and I couldn't be proud of that. Also I was born in Christian Welfare Hospital in East St. Louis, ILL. Thus a person ought to be upset if people keep on insisting on the ridiculous naming of a person, when the person is making it quit clear who they are.  If my name was Muhammad then that would be the case. But seeming that name was just attached in Las Vegas and carried on to Phoenix. It's not me!

I've had to deal with people like Michael Johnson (and yes I'm sure there are a lot Michael Johnson's in the United States, maybe the world. And yet as explained in "MY WORDS,  FROM MY EXPERIENCE, THERE IS ONLY ONE POSSIBILITY. That's unless he was lying to all of us at the Salvation Army Las Vegas, NV.   Michael Johnson was an African American man that came onto the Salvation Army Campus and APPROACHED me and did not like me. After my weird way of dealing with such people, by not saying anything, simply ignoring them. He then went about the transitional program telling people all sorts of lies about me.  Lies that ranged from he knew me in high school, and that friends have been trying to get in touch with me. He then went on to tell them that I'm getting a little forgetful and thus, he is concerned about my substance use. 

He always use to attempt to challenge me with computer operations. Which at the level he was claiming to be on. I am a beginner. Thus all of his effort to get me interested in his interest never were true. Even his supposed interest in TWINKS. I don't have an interest in TWINKS.  His favorite challenge was to get me to utilize the computer to research him. Which I don't have interest enough to research the people that come into my life. They came into my life, and if it's that crazy, then why would I use the same means that they would.

One day when I finally decided to look him up, I found out that he had been on some political Orange County candidates campaign. She finally did win the election, by which he started embellishing money from the campaign and ended up doing time/I suppose.  When I confronted him with it. He was more over whelmed that I remembered his girlfriend: Rebecca. Who then had to have an argument over seeming I don't and didn't know her.  REGARDING THIS PERSON M.JOHNSON who pretended he knew me in high school and then ended up make threats to my family as he went and purchased a bus ticket to Santa Ana, the day me and Mrs. Kim had to evicted him from the property!!!


Thursday, April 19, 2018

Revenge Rape (MALE to MALE ) Meth Induced

The crazy things people say sometimes are not as crazy as they seem and have a direct link into their intent, as they mask it and manipulate it 20 times over to remove themselves for the actual act committed. Yet none of these efforts work and eventually the TRUTH comes to the surface.

I had a causal roommate (not permante)  once in Las Vegas (2006), who manipulated a fan, to make vibrational noise and to also put me in hypnotic state of mind. (Watch Movie: Whirlpool ). That fan was later used for a series of incidences which I couldn't tell if they were real or not. But one day when he whispered in my face in a low serious voice " you just don't know how many loads of cum I've dumped in that ass of yours while you where asleep. ". I couldn't deny the prior incidences as not being real. But was this the lie to another lie, from past lies.  After his rude comment, I just continued to my room and didn't take him serious. I didn't even want to think what his intent was by the statement. Then there was the fan he jerry-rid (altered) that was so loud and made a rhythmic beat to it that was hypnotic. It was like vibrational noise. I needed the fan, it because it is hot in Vegas and he refuse to let the AC be on  much seeming it was his apartment I shared the rent with I had no other choice

The Loud hypnotic fan, the cool air during the hot  days and me coming down from meth, on days I didn't have to work...made for a really scary situation by which I don't know  if it really happened or if I was sleeping. I would lay nude on my be on stomach d and relax into the most relaxing meditation..  was conscious but was so relax that I kept telling myself don't move just enjoy this relaxation. As I laid there I heard him and two friends of his and mines. One was a female and the other her boyfriend. She was anxious to sees if my roommate really had control of me/conditioned me yet.  So that her boyfriend could finally revenge fuck me because: when I was with them (2004), we did some strange hotel LOOP-HOLE FRAUD, that never resulted in anything except dismisals for me. It's strange that from the hotel books, I could tell that they were supicious of other business crimes which would put their hotels at risk of Federal violations. I Stayed with them she promised him that we could get high and fuck around after I Finished work. We never did fuck so she brought him over 3 years later to my roommates apartment (2006)to give her boyfriend  the ass she promised him back in 2004, beside they both thought I had gotten to hot head and egotistical.

As I laid in my bed coming down, I was total relaxed. So relaxed that I did not want to move. I remember think to myself..."Do not move one inch of your body. Enjoy this peace." There were few thougths on my mind. There was no use in playing the radio because the fan was so damn loud and I wouldn't be able to hear it. As I laid there relaxed I must have slipped into a delta awakening type sleep by which I was some what conscious of a few sensory receptors that were functioning. Audio and touch. I heard someone come into the room, it was her boyfriend. I heard her cheering him on, from my roommates room. I heard her say his name and to fuck me good and hard.

He touched me, got on top of me and proceeded to have sex with me. When the incident was over, I seem to be in and out of sleep. I heard them leaving the apartment. This incident happen in 2006. 2007 for have the year I took the advice of my sister and mom and tried to see if I could live in California. It didn't work out because I was so depressed about what had happen to me in Las Vegas from 1999-2007 and I didn't have a clue. Regardless of all the loop hole activity I did. Nothing was ever verified. When I was leaving Cali, my mom took me so we can be alone, she asked me "So you're not going to tell me what they did to you?" I felt even worst, and told her the only truth that I knew..."I don't know!"

When I returned to Las Vegas seeking answers. I lived with this same roommmte again. Again the deep relaxing sleeps would follow my meth use, by which one time a series of guys (4) who all verbalized how much they hated me and wanted to leave their mark. So the revenge fucking began. This incident happened again, soon after but only 2 of the guys returned. So when my roommmate made that rude comment about "loads of cum being dumpped in my ass." I felt hopeless and not seeking to know.

Since I've been in San Francisco, I have been confronted twice by some younge (24-28) African Americans who both have indicated to me that they witness a METH IV Rape. One of the brothers admitted he was the one rapped, and that it wasn't about being homosexual or not. He wanted to freak on meth and he was told IV really boost your sex drive, but what he didn't feel conformtable about was being forced raped while so high he wasn't fully aware of what was going on. Very sad story that this type of behavior continues. Thus street harassment must be fully legislated.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

I Paul Dewitt Goree --Self Incrimination Testimonial ---Michael Moore Who???


This is a self incrimination testimonial by me Paul Dewitt Goree. Legally the statue of limitations has ran out in Nevada, California and New York by which either Michael Moore can press charges. But if I'm lucky, then maybe there's a way around that, and they can proceed with charges. The charges are desired by me, because they are linked to a more horrifying reality, which links secret networks of sub-cultural collectives. These sub-cultural collectives have the ability when networking to hack any systems and to manipulate data, causing some chaos - yet depending on the circumstance, the out come is questionable. Are these sub-cultural collectives the Robin Hoods of modern Hi-Tech advancement, by which their efforts allude even the greatest intelli-enforcement? Who knows, but seeming intelli-enforcement has long desired the employment of such collectives as individuals: maybe let to their own LIBERTY and INDIVIDUALISM, better becomes the out come.

Nevertheless my testimonial is about the identity of 2 Americans named Michael Moore.  Michael Moore #1 was (2002-2004 Las Vegas, NV) a inspired, positive-business, intelligent , ambitious upper ward mobile banking executive at Bank of America. I am sure that his wit and swiftness secured his disposition with Bank of America and with the numerous customers at Bank of America.  When I did identity theft upon him, to prove the easy access and the not attentive clerk positon through out the nation; he was swift to respond. When I telephoned Bank of America and requested that my account be altered. I was transferred to his secretary, who was puzzled, seeming he was in the branch office at the moment. Thus the phone call from a larger branch office made no sense. It alerted Michael Moore the banker and probably made him consider the notion, that if his accounts could be altered, then the security of all of the customers at Bank of America were at risk. Considering we were in terrorist times. Corporate America had more to be concerned about.

Michael Moore #1 would also find out in time (1 month) that not only had I altered some of his accounts, including his employment banking accounts, I had also obtained an apartment in his names, a new mailing address (by which I had some mail re-directed through phone calls and letters I wrote myself . I refrain from using the United States Post Office Address Change form and also I refrain from using any corporate address change form. I was thinking the expense and legal nature of Corporate and official forms should be attended to by all employees, thus written request should be referred and a official address change form should be provided. If this is not attended to, then liability and security are up for grabs--under conditions whereby a corporation is being evaluated for their efficiency). I also opened some investment accounts with new investment financial stores, which were not FDIC regulated.

I never knew much about who Michael Moore #1 was. It turns out his name and data was given to me by some person, who are ONE OF THE SUB-CULTURAL COLLECTIVES I have written about in the past.  Their intent was to bring attention to Michael Moore, and from that point what becomes of him, is up to his own character. Even with the most dishonorable acts of behavior. A person is able to explain with intergrity their intent and the outcome of their actions, by which no other American can condemn them, especially when facts reveal their actions were preventive towards the future and were UTILITARIAN.  From what I found out through research and the intimidating expression of the sub-cultural collective, was Michael Moore #1 was the son of a heavy weight boxer. He was bright and intelligent, obtained his college degree and went on to be a successful bank executive.

Yet this information was provided by a sub-cultural collective: which today I am skeptical of, but then this is after the fact. If they had me thinking that they were FBI agents and Police officers, by which uniforms would not distinguish them from REAL officers. Then many perplexing question are to be asked, but can't be answered. For example the following link:  

In the above link story, the ideal and reality during the years 2002-2016 about pretend police officers and higher intelligence agents, was very common; yet not accepted as truth in the general public. These sub-cultural collectives gain when cemented civic norms of authority are blurred. This is why I have always considered such actions terrorist and domestic terrorism, such as Timothy McVeigh . Another factor that should be considered, is that these sub-cultural collectives really gain momentum when their acts are detected and re-established by COPY CAT sub-cults. Providing a more complexing reality.

The second Michael Moore is even more unbelievable. He is the documenting film producer/director. The year was 2002-2003. Once again I had received some data about a person named Michael Moore. But this time I receive less data than before. Thus I had to research. I found out that the data provided was an American Express account. I then proceed to be Michael Moore's personal assistant. I contacted American Express and requested a replacement card. I was told that this account was closed due to failed payment within a 90 day period. Seeming this account was not a revolving account, the only thing required was to pay off the entire balance (as always with these monthly total balance due American Express Accounts). I paid off the balance with the checking account that was already associated with the account. And requested the new card be expressed to me at the MGM Las Vegas. Luckily American Express had an brick and mortar location inside the MGM and when the card arrived the next day. I went into the American Express Kiosk bank and obtained the card. Which I then used for purchases, I donated to those in need.

The sub-cultural collective informed me after the fact. That this Michael Moore, was the film director/producer who was working on a new documentation film about identity theft and the effect on America and it's future economy...hint something along the lines of ROBIN HOOD for the betterment of the nations working poor.! Whether this was true of not, who knows. But the fact that I experienced this and other events from 1999-2018 have made life quite interesting and now I WILL copyright my experiences as lived!!!

Monday, April 16, 2018

New Reading List San Francisco Public Library - Spring 2018

The San Francisco Library continues to amaze me, with the collection of outstanding books. My current reading list, seems to reflect what is going on around me and within the country. From President Trump and his effort and presences in Asia (North Korea and China): which might result in a global trade war. To Swedish emigrants, who rooted venture forward to unknown land seeking LIBERTY and FREEDOM, is so well cemented in many Americans today.

1)  Not Without The Americans : A Personal History.  By: Beech Keyes (1971)
     This is the story of a former Vietnam solider, who decided to say in Asia, never
     to return to the United States. He details the reason why he came to that decision. He
     goes depth about the Vietnam War: Stating how he agrees with President Johnson's decision to 
     continue the war.  But frustrated at French soldiers who disliked the American soldiers and cause
     great havoc for them as they entered the war.

2) Who Votes Now?  By: Jan E. Leighley and Jonothan Nagler


 Takes a serious look into the 2012 election of President Obama against Mitt Romey to explains  the voter low turn out of that election. Even through both candidates raised enormous amounts o amounts of money.   Who Votes Now? compares the demographic characteristics and political    views of voters and nonvoters in American presidential elections since 1972 and examines how electoral reforms and the choices offered by candidates influence voter turnout. Drawing on a wealth of data from the U.S. Census Bureau's Current Population Survey and the American National Election Studies, Jan Leighley and Jonathan Nagler demonstrate that the rich have consistently voted more than the poor for the past four decades, and that voters are substantially more conservative in their economic views than nonvoters. They find that women are now more likely to vote than men, that the gap in voting rates between blacks and whites has largely disappeared, and that older Americans continue to vote more than younger Americans. Leighley and Nagler also show how electoral reforms such as Election Day voter registration and absentee voting have boosted voter turnout, and how turnout would also rise if parties offered more distinct choices. Providing the most systematic analysis available of modern voter turnout, Who Votes Now? reveals that persistent class bias in turnout has enduring political consequences, and that it really does matter who votes and who doesn't.

 3) THE EMIGRANT FAREWELL by: Robert L. Wright
 This book is a Swedish lyric book,  with lyrics written as far back as 1865, which detail the emotions of Swedish emigrants as they left their beloved Sweden to come to the new world and become nationalized Americans.

We Sold Our Farms  (page 72)
paragraph #5

-Here we place our money in a common pool
A check was later purchased in an English Bank
We received in exchange for our GOLD
So clean and pure
But when we tried to get it back
It was to us, FORBIDDEN
It was forwarded instead to a New York Banking House
We never did set eyes upon it 
The Gold we ne'-er did see
Because when we claimed payment
The money was taken out
There was an awful clamor as mentioned at the end of this song...
O'lord God protect us
Everyone on earth 
For giving oneself to danger and believing a HAWKERS word
My soul is a cold preventive
For those to take in
Who intended to Emigrant and have a unstable mind
Since older days - have lived pious folks good
It has happened so in bygone days 
It will happen so - FOREVER!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Something Crazy Can't Find On Internet after News Airing

What the purpose of the news, if it can be fabricated by anyone. For example when I was in Las Vegas, NV I would sometimes be watching television. And it would seem odd, but the news story seem to always be a break away segment, and the persons in the visual clip behind the news reporter (always a new report doing on location stories) would always seem to resemble someone I knew from the collective of people I was slowly introduced to. At first I thought "eyes must be playing a trick on me" until I was introduced to a husband and wife, who had two homes in Clark County. One home was on Lake Las Vegas in Las Vegas, near Summerland. The other was towards UNLV. The home near UNLV had a full Audio/Video Control Room. The same that you would see on the news station or on talk shows. Where by they can do live editing, filming and fabricate news stories that seem REAL.

One such clip I saw involved a person I was introduced to, who had 3 girls. And the story was about how she had left her children in the car on a hot summer day, in the parking lot of Wal-Mart.  As the report was coming towards her to interview her, she waved her hand in front of the camera and tried to get into the car. 

Another story was about a cool young (20-22) African American couple from down south. They had a new born and apparently they didn't have a car seat. So they took the baby back to Sunrise Hospital where it was born and left it in the door way. They then ran to their car. When I saw the story I did not believe it. When an older friend asked me if I saw the story, I told him that I did, and he was telling me and another "roommate friend" that he didn't believe the story either. They already had 2 children and was so happy to be on their way back home down south.

Well even worst. If I was watching the morning news 4/10/2018 and I saw a story which sounded odd. It seemed odd because it was about a committee that was put together to represent Police Officers best interest in legislation that would alter how and when an officers could aim and fire their guns/weapons. This would pretty much protocol Police. The committee stated that this type of legislation would end up placing the officers and citizens at risk.  Yet if just now tried to find this story - it wasn't on Google Search, as I am logged into my Google account--10:33AM 4/12/2018.
 Of course I'm sure the story will be on the internet again. Reminds me of Jason Kirby