Wednesday, November 30, 2016

UPDATE: Photo of mly Ol' Glory Chiespirt Flag and Thoughts about Trumps Burning of an American Flag....SYMBOLISM

As promise, I will now display the actual flag, Second flag found in YMSD's (Yankwik Mexikayotl San Diego) new indigenous location in Balboa Canyons.  As stated in last Chiespirt was my real non-profit attempt. And this flag, represents my LIBERTY and FREEDOM. and this image.every.html
with this drawing
Well since that post, My Ol'Glory has experienced much more. A fire. Thus one early morning (4:00AM) as I was walking to pavement street that I sleep at. I was walking through the garment district and noticed one of the buildings had a fire burning on a wooded antique type warehouse door.  As I approached the fire, several thoughts ran through my mind. Finally I came to the conclusion, 'well you should put this fire out!' That seemed the last and oddest thought. I intended to do that. But as it burned, I thought about what IF anything, DOES ANYTHING MEAN TO ANYONE ANY MORE? 

I didn't have to question myself about my intents, but DOES IT MATTER, WHO STARTED THE FIRE? Or about others around. NOPE and thus I thought, "well do like you have been doing since 3rd Grade in Santa Ana, CA. Put it out!" and I put it out with my Chiespirt Ol'Glory Flag.

So here are the remains of that flag. After realizing what I had done. The first thought that popped to mind, was "Well Ol'Glory, this ain't the first fire, you've experienced or have put out, UHM! RESILIENCE as those you aspirer such as me. Thus this flag in it's current state of condition will make it to SACAMENTO, CA.

As far as comments made by Donald Trump regarding the demeaning of American worth in acts such as burning Ol'Glory. I tend to think placing an American in jail for these acts are cross referenced in themselves and only aid us in demeaning ourselves, through THOSE who we elect to ADMINISTER This Great Democracy. Whoppi Goldberg is absolutely correct, WE THE PEOPLE, DO HAVE A RIGHT TO EXPRESS OURSELVES and if that leads to us, emotionally burning the flag: to prove how angered we are, then WE HAVE THAT RIGHT!   (Whoppi Goldberg comment on Donald Trump)

Sunday, November 6, 2016

2 OL' GLORY Flags that represent every AMERICANS RIGHT TO BE FREE!

NO 4th of July Flag 2016...and reason why I admit I DEFACED OL' Glory intentionally! Yes and I wrote on it exactly what this drawing states (since the real one got taken down in Los Angeles) I wrote that I waived this flag and my liberties to Margaret Finn at S.W.B.S seeming the McKinney Veto Act seems to give behavioral services the gist and power over homeless person. Where by behavioral case managers believe that all homeless person (85%) are user or abuser of substances. Here Margaret keep my OL'Glory and all she represent, which you may never know!

This flag, which I will parade up-state to San Francisco and then to Sacramento, I want to dedicate to all those who love/hated...but LET ME BE ME from K-12 in Santa Ana, CA. Because they of all others know my ways by which I have evolved to CHIESPIRT. I was Chiespirt always seeking to merge and the differences of others to bring society upward. Chiespirt was my real non-profit attempt. And this flag, represents my LIBERTY and FREEDOM.