Sunday, September 23, 2018

Part 2 Sub Cults In America (current issues)

 Image result for cults

This trip to San Francisco has now been determined a back track to initial trip which started 5/2017 thru 5/2018.  Now with the rest of the unexpected TOUR OF CALIFORNIA, San Francisco is now consistent with San Diego, and Los Angeles. Except the sudden change of plans 8/2017 to not continue at all in California- no need to venture to Sacramento.

Seeming my presence in California (arrival 05/26/2015) was based on a fake phished message on Twitter. The message appeared 3 consecutive days.  The first being from Bill Gates, then Melinda Gates and finally  on the 3rd day the Gates Foundation .The message stated... 'If you feel your life has been interrupted, don’t think of it as interruption...think of it as being CATAPULTED in a new direction.' Thus I decided to take the phished message seriously. This account, which is my original Twitter account, is currently not accessible.

It wouldn't make a difference to me-seeming I have nothing to gain nor lose. And since I began the disowning of myself from my family in 2013-as explained to some, my 'out of control substance use' had gone too far. I felt the distance would be better appreciated. Than to have my family go through repeat occurrences regarding substance abuse in our families past. 2013 was the perfect time to start family closure-seeming no responsible explanation was going to be accepted by me, regarding events that occurred in Phoenix, AZ (2011-2015) that mimicked Las Vegas, NV (1999-2011). As if some collective was seeking answers that would provide them an advantage.

 I knew my family would understand and is keen enough to question so many DISCREPANCIES that seem to follow me. Which have no CLOSURE. From this understanding I know my family is able to determine the truth. I'd rathered die now knowing that I did not surrender to the sub-cultural collective’s sensory manipulation as planned.

Now as then, I intend to hold stubbornly onto NO CLOSURE- and document in various ways the similar patterns of associated sub cultural collective mal intent, as I perceive it.  These patterns have been consistent in my life (since 1999) and the lives of others as they, explained their stories to me.

Another factor today (9/23/2018) due to similar street shake ups that usually only results in a trickle of a change.  I have decided to accelerate my deterioration by increasing usage - back to super high risk territory-thus nullifying all cognitive created thoughts of mine from being valid. THIS SHOULD BE NO PROBLEM SEEMING 20 YEARS OF QUASI NEGLECT HAS LEAD TO NO CLOSURE-I WILL CONTINUE TO SEEK CLOSURE ON MY OWN. THE DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN WHERE I AM AND TOTAL LIFE EXPERIENCE DO NOT ADD UP.

It funny that this week (9/22/2018) DEEPAK CHOPRA stated on Twitter similar thoughts, regarding total living worth.  He stated "Every cell in your body embodies the repository of every bit of knowledge pertaining to the history of life on Earth" #Cosmic Consciousness).


 So as in 2013,   a YOUTUBE find that was PHISHED directly to me.  I CREATE a VIDEO titled 'MYSTERIAN MAN' to the song or band titled, 'EASILY MISLEAD'( by which the true culprits knew that I am aware that neither they nor I am mislead. But as I attempt to express it to others through various means of communications it will be the equivalent of "the boy who cried wolf!”

Which is a joke among a small collective in Las Vegas 2002-2006, but isn't so funny these days. Seeming whatever the Vegas Collective expected to achieve, they should know by now I am that expendable thus not worth any negotiation value. This even includes recent post from me on Twitter, exclusively whereby comments by me, state that I prefer to be medically cut up into pieces -limb by limb as these events continue to occur. The recent 2018 hospitalization that have resulted in surgeries from Cervical Spinal, Amputation of toe, stabbed injuries and being ran over by a car, crossing the street with the right of way! What a year  2018 , only to have some strange remark with delight that 'he can not wait until his REDEMPTION PERIOD happens to him'. There is no such period stated in the bible by which he believes that he is witnessing me going through such a period: this is sub-cultural collective conditioning.

When it comes to the use of energy (spirit) and our day to day lives. I easily think of what it is to do a Shaman 'spirit walk' for the betterment of society. But if they really wanted effective change they would re-read TRI STATE DRUG DONATION AUCTION and MID-NIGHT COURT( ) that I experienced while on a good hypnotic meth/sherm collective spiritual exchange of energies 5/2017 (where no one cheated like current mother fuckers-who fake it and will fuck themselves out of existence in the end).

The only difference I would change is, since some people still have a habit of dropping an 8 ball or 1/4 oz of meth on the streets, (this is not within the jurisdiction of the court nor are the assistants to all enforcement operatives) to control jurisdictions of substance value/dollars and control prior inmates and users. How about they be ordered to continue dropping those packages until they are found by 'targeted unknown persons' who will never find them. Even when they've dropped a ton of meth-they must continue dropping, until 'targeted unknown persons' stumble upon one of these 8 ball- 1/4 oz  packages. Uhm the streets will then be saturated with "Marker Dope" as detailed in California Drug Dealer Liability Act ( (if it's not phished on the internet or print. As detailed by Franklin Foer -Reality Ended- Atlantic Magazine 5/2018

Thus since I am a dead expendable citizen who is disgruntled by some events which have been consistent since 1999. My eventual death should be no surprise. I refuse to be the prawn between Civic sub-cultural collectives (which becomes 'deep city state' efforts) and various American 'righted' sub-cultural collectives. Which have an American right  to exist-but not with my personal involvement or non-consent to be associated. Then to base it on their  DEMAND, as if their right are valued more than mines or any other American. Especially when I intend to not be involved willingly with those that manipulate affiliation "just because".

To be a Timothy McVeigh copy- cat and do Federal Felonies and get away with it (as expressed by one member of a harassing sub-cultural collective member 06/2018 in Los Angeles) yes this is the total immature extent of some sub-cults in America by which I have no interest.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Inquiry To San Francisco Victimization Unit about incident 5/12/18 San Francisco :

Inquiry about incident 5/12/18 San Francisco

paul goree <>

Tue, Aug 28, 11:26 AM

to victimservices
My name is Paul Dewitt Goree. On 5/12/18 at 11:20 PM at the intersection of 6th Street and Harrison, a white BMW ran through a red light and as I was crossing the street, hit me and proceed to run over me. The police and ambulance arrived and I was taken to General Hospital. The police arrived at the hospital and gave me a form to take to the Attorney General.

I now live in Los Angeles and I would like to proceed with the Victim Service Team. Can I report the incident from my current address, or do I have to be in San Francisco. The form the police gave me, didn't have the incident number on it. But I called the police department in the Harrison area and they provided me with a telephone number to get the incident number.

I would like to know, how do I begin the process with your unit? What documents do you require? and once again, do I have to be in San Francisco? My contact information is below.

Thank You
Paul Goree

415-885-1823    My cell/internet number messages/text can be left here
303 E.5th St Los Angele, CA 90013

paul goree <>

Tue, Sep 11, 1:17 PM (2 days ago)

to victimservices
I have relocated back to San Francisco and would like to know how to proceed with victimization report!

 Paul Goree

On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 11:26 AM paul goree <> wrote:
My name is Paul Dewitt Goree. On 5/12/18 at 11:20 PM at the intersection of 6th Street and Harrison, a white BMW ran through a red light and as I was crossing the street, hit me and proceed to run over me. The police and ambulance arrived and I was taken to General Hospital. The police arrived at the hospital and gave me a form to take to the Attorney General.

I now live in Los Angeles and I would like to proceed with the Victim Service Team. Can I report the incident from my current address, or do I have to be in San Francisco. The form the police gave me, didn't have the incident number on it. But I called the police department in the Harrison area and they provided me with a telephone number to get the incident number.

I would like to know, how do I begin the process with your unit? What documents do you require? and once again, do I have to be in San Francisco? My contact information is below.

Thank You
Paul Goree

415-885-1823    My cell/internet number messages/text can be left here
303 E.5th St Los Angele, CA 90013


No. 4
In the psycho-analytical theory of the mind we take it for
granted that the course of mental processes is automatically
regulated by the
: that is to say, we believe
that any given process originates in an unpleasant state of
tension and thereupon determines for itself such a path that
its ultimate issue coincides with a relaxation of this tension,
i.e. with avoidance of
or with production of pleasure.
When we consider the psychic processes under observation
in reference to such a sequence we are introducing into our
work the
point of view. In our opinion a
presentation which seeks to estimate, not only the
but also the economic element
is the most complete that we can at present imagine, and
deserves to be distinguished by the term
We are not interested in examining how far in our assertion
of the pleasure-principle we have approached to or adopted
any given philosophical system historically established. Our
approach to such
speculative hypotheses is by way of our
to describe and account for the facts falling within
our daily sphere of observation. Priority and originality are
not among the aims which psycho-analysis sets itself, and the
impressions on which the statement of this principle is
founded are of so unmistakable a kind that it is scarcely
possible to overlook them. On the other hand, we should
willingly acknowledge our indebtedness to any philosophical
or psychological theory that could tell us the meaning of
these feelings of pleasure and
which affect us so
powerfully. Unfortunately no theory of any value is
forthcoming. It is the obscurest and least penetrable region
of psychic life and, while it is impossible for us to avoid
touching on it, the most elastic hypothesis will be, to my
mind, the best. We have decided to consider pleasure and
in relation to the quantity of excitation present in the
psychic life
and not confined in any way
along such lines
corresponds with an increase and pleasure with a
decrease in this quantity. We do not thereby commit
ourselves to a simple relationship between the strength of
the feelings and the changes corresponding with them, least
of all, judging from psycho-physiological experiences, to any
view of a direct proportion existing between them; probably
the amount of diminution or increase in a given time is
the decisive factor for feeling. Possibly there is room here
for experimental work, but it is inadvisable for us analysts to
go further into these problems until we can be guided by
uite definite observations
We ca
nnot however profess the like indifference when we
find that an investigator of such penetratio
n as G.Th.
Fechner has advocated a conception of pleasure and
hich in essentials coincides with that forced upon us by
psycho-analytic work. Fechner
pronouncement is to be
found in his short work
Einige Ideen zur Schöpfungs- und
ntwicklungsgeschichte der Organismen
, 1873 (Section XI,
Note p. 94) and reads as follows:
In so far as conscious
impulses always bear a relation to pleasure or
pleasure or
may be thought of in psycho-physical
relationship to conditions of stability and instability, and
upon this may be based the hypothesis I intend to develop
elsewhere, viz.: that every psycho-physical movement rising
above the threshold of consciousness is charged with
pleasure in proportion as it approximates
beyond a certain
to complete equilibrium, and with
proportion as it departs from it beyond a certain limit; while
between the two limits which may be described as the
qualitative thresholds of
or pleasure, there is a certain
area of aesthetic indifference.
The facts that have led us to believe in the supremacy of the
pleasure-principle in psychic life also find expression in the
hypothesis that there is an attempt on the part of the psychic
apparatus to keep the quantity of excitation present as low as
possible, or at least constant. This is the same supposition
only put into another form, for, if the psychic apparatus
operates in the direction of keeping down the quantity of
excitation, all that tends to increase it must be felt to be
contrary to function, that is to say painful. The pleasure-
principle is deduced from the principle of constancy; in
lity the principle of constancy was inferred from the facts
at necessitated our assumption of the pleasure-principle.
On more detailed discussion we shall find further that this
tendency on the part of the psychic apparatus postulated b
us may be classified as a special case of Fechner
of the
tendency towards stability
to which he has related the
pleasure-pain feeling


ACCORDING TO FREUD, the very act of entering into civilized society entails the repression of various archaic, primitive desires. As explained in Module I, each person's psychosexual development includes the surpassing of previous "love-objects" or "object-cathexes" that are tied to earlier sexual phases (the oral phase, the anal-sadistic phase, etc.); however, even well-adjusted individuals still betray the insistent force of those earlier desires through dreams, literature, or "Freudian slips"; hence the term, "return of the repressed." In less well-adjusted individuals, who remain fixated on earlier libido objects or who are driven to abnormal reaction-formations or substitute-formations, two possibilities exist: 1) perversion, in which case the individual completely accepts and pursues his or her desire for alternative sexual objects and situations (sodomists, sado-masochists, etc.); or 2) neurosis, in which case the same prohibited desires may still be functioning but some repression is forcing the "repudiated libidinal trends" to get "their way by certain roundabout paths, though not, it is true, without taking the objection into account by submitting to some distortions and mitigations" (Introductory Lectures 16.350). Rejected libidinal longings can thus manifest themselves as any number of symptoms. (See the next module on neuroses.)
In other words, for Freud repression is a normal part of human development; indeed, the analysis of dreams, literature, jokes, and "Freudian slips" illustrates the ways that our secret desires continue to find outlet in perfectly well-adjusted individuals. However, when we are faced with obstacles to satisfaction of our libido's cathexis, when we experience traumatic events, or when we remain fixated on earlier phases of our development, the conflict between the libido and the ego (or between the ego and the superego) can lead to alternative sexual discharges.
The source of our sexual discharges is the libido, which seeks to cathect (or place a charge on) first one's one bodily parts (eg. the lips and mouth in the oral phase) and then external objects (eg. the breast and then the mother in the oral phase). Freud terms this "object-libido." The libido can also get caught up in the ego, which leads to narcissism. A normal part of psychosexual development (see Module 1) is the overcoming of early childhood narcissism (the belief, for example, that everything revolves around one's own desires).
Both healthy dreams and unhealthy symptoms follow a similar logic when confronted with repression. Let's take dreams as our first example. Freud calls the dream we remember upon waking the "manifest dream"; according to Freud, the manifest dream is already a reaction-formation or substitute-formation that hides what he calls the "latent dream-thoughts." Repression, which Freud sometimes calls the "dream-censor" in his discussion of dreams, is continually re-working the latent dream-thoughts, which are then forced to assume toned-down, distorted or even unrecognizable forms. Freud calls this translation of latent dream-thoughts into the manifest dream the "dream work." The two main ways that repression re-works the primitive impulses of the latent dream-thoughts is by way of condensation (1) or displacement (2).
1) In condensation, multiple dream-thoughts are combined and amalgamated into a single element of the manifest dream; according to Freud, every situation in a dream seems to be put together out of two or more impressions or experiences. One need only think about how people and places tend to meld into composite figures in our dreams.
2) In displacement, the affect (emotions) associated with threatening impulses are transferred elsewhere (displaced), so that, for example, apparently trivial elements in the manifest dream seem to cause extraordinary distress while "what was the essence of the dream-thoughts finds only passing and indistinct representation in the dream" ("New Introductory Lectures" 22.21). For Freud, "Displacement is the principle means used in the dream-distortion to which the dream-thoughts must submit under the influence of the censorship" ("New Introductory Lectures" 22.21).
Some of these condensations and displacements become so ingrained in the id (the reservoir of inherited human knowledge) that they take on the quality of rigid symbols, which have similar meanings for all humans, according to Freud. These are multiple and various—and can be found elaborated in Freud's Interpretation of Dreams. As one example among many, Freud writes that "in a woman's dreams [a cloak] stood for a man" ("New Introductory Lectures" 22.24). Such symbols also find expression in literature, religion, and mythology, so, for example, Freud writes how in the ancient marriage ceremony of the Bedouins, the bridegroom covers the bride in a special cloak called an 'aba' and at the same time states the following ritual words: "Henceforth none save I shall cover thee!" ("New Introductory Lectures" 22.24). The job of dream interpretation is to translate the manifest dream back into its constituent, if buried, dream-thoughts.
The interpretation of symptoms follows a similar path; the goal is to determine the repressed sexual desires or traumatic events that are causing the abnormal behavior to occur. As with the dream-work, psychological symptoms are often condensations or displacements (caused by repression) of deeper, unconscious impulses or buried memories. 


Systems Theory / Therapy

Interlocking mechanical piecesSystems theory, also called systems science, is the multidisciplinary study of systems to investigate phenomena from a holistic approach. Systems, which can be natural or man-made and living or nonliving, are found in many aspects of human life.
People who adhere to systems thinking, or the systemic perspective, believe it is impossible to truly understand a phenomenon by breaking it up into its basic components. They believe, rather, that a global perspective is necessary for comprehending the entire phenomenon. 

Development of Systems Theory

Systems theory finds some of its roots within the biological sciences, as some of the founders of its core concepts, including Ludwig Bertalanffy and Humberto Maturana, were biologists. One of the main perspectives of systems theory is viewing an individual or group as its own ecosystem with many moving parts that affect each other. Principles of systems theory have been applied to the field of psychology to explore and explain behavioral patterns. This approach was spearheaded by several individuals, including Gregory Bateson, Murray Bowen, Anatol Rapoport, W. Ross Ashby, and Margaret Mead.

Concepts of Systems Theory

A system is characterized by a group of parts that interact to form a coherent whole. Systems have distinct boundary separating them from external elements and distinguishing between inputs, or factors that impact the system, and outputs, or effects and products of the system. Systems may also have feedback loops, which occur when outputs of a system return as inputs, forming a circuit. Changes in one component of a system will affect other components as well as the overall entity. This dynamic makes it possible to predict what might happen when a system experiences a known change.
Systems theory has been applied in the field of psychology, where it is called systems psychology. People who view psychology through the lens of systems theory see individuals as seeking homeostasis within their systems or groups. To create a system that works for all members, the expectations, needs, desires, and behaviors of each person within it must be considered. When issues arise, these are attributed to breakdowns in systemic interactions rather than deficiency of one person.

Systems Theory and Family Systems Therapy

In the late 1960s, Dr. Murray Bowen applied systems thinking to the family unit and developed family systems theory. This theory views the family as an emotional unit and assumes individuals cannot be fully understood in isolation. Instead, Bowen theorized, individuals must be viewed as part of their family of origin. Bowen’s concept later developed into an effective and widely popular form of treatment, called family systems therapy.
In family systems therapy, familial relationships, patterns, communication, and behaviors are examined within and beyond the therapy session, allowing the therapist and other family members to observe how certain behaviors could be impacting the family. Once these behaviors are recognized and understood, family members can learn new behaviors that have benefits for themselves and the rest of their family.

Systems Theory and Systemic Psychotherapy

The efficacy of family systems therapy has motivated researchers and mental health experts to apply its primary principles to other groups of people. This new approach, called systemic psychotherapy or systemic therapy, helps groups gain insight into how each member’s role within a group may affect its functionality. It can be applied to organizations, communities, or businesses. Systemic psychotherapy has expanded into a nondirective, multifaceted treatment method currently applied in a variety of circumstances. Systemic psychotherapy has been found effective in addressing issues including:
A notable dynamic of systemic psychotherapy is its emphasis that a family or community plays a vital role in its own recovery and psychological health. As a result, families, couples, or members of an organization are directly involved in their own therapy to resolve an issue, and individual participants can begin transforming their own behaviors to be more adaptive and productive.
Systemic psychotherapy helps members of a group attain positive relationships, secure interrelationships, and overall well-being. Effective communication is a key tool in this treatment approach. Dialogue is constructed to build knowledge, strength, and support for an entire entity. It is important to note that the close relationship between systemic psychotherapy and family systems therapy has led many people to use these terms interchangeably.

Concerns and Limitations

One criticism of systemic psychotherapy is that it neglects the past perspective when addressing issues. In some cases, looking at an individual’s history with a mental health concern may be crucial to reaching a solution.
  1. Adams, K. M., Hester, P. T., & Bradley, J. M. (2013). A historical perspective of systems theory. Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference. Retrieved from
  2. Mele, C., Pels, J., & Polese, F. (2010). A brief review of systems theories and their managerial applications. Service Science, 2(1-2), 126-135. doi: 10.1287/serv.2.1_2.126
  3. Stratton, P. (2011). The evidence base of systemic family and couples therapies. Association for Family Therapy & Systemic Practice. Retrieved from
  4. Systemic psychotherapy/Family therapy. (n.d.). Retrieved from 
  5. Systemic therapy. (n.d.). Clinical Partners. Retrieved from