Monday, October 15, 2018


USC RIDE3DGAME STUDY: Session 3 Reminder
USC Online Study <>
Thu 8/30/2012, 12:19 PM
Inline image 1

Great news!  It’s almost time to complete the third and final session of the USC Online Video Game Study.  Remember, the current research study is designed to track your behavior and attitudes over a 6 month period.  Your continued participation is very important to us.  You began your participation for Session 1 about six months ago, successfully completed Session 2, and now it’s almost time to complete SESSION 3!

In Session One, you were entered into a lottery to win $100.  This time, if you participate in Session 3, you will automatically receive a $50 Gift Card via email! Gift Cards are redeemable towards millions of items at and never, ever expire.  Reward yourself, you deserve it! 

Since this is a longitudinal study, it is important to have your participation for this last and final session.  Look out for our email that we will send to you within a week.  The email will include the link for you to continue onto Session 3.

If you have any additional questions or comments about the study, please feel free to contact us.  We are here to help!
Best Regards, 
Chris O.Tacto
Project Specialist
USC Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism
e:  t:  213.821.1117  f: 213.746.2904
"Your time and cooperation makes all the difference in the world."


Unethical Complaint Regarding Paul Goree and South West Behavior Services HOWPA HUD: TOBI ZAVALA, CAROL VACK

Unethical Complaint Regarding Paul Goree and case workers at South West Behavioral Services HOWPA HUD


Thu 8/15/2013, 7:39 AM
Dear Mr. Goree,
Sorry about the delay in getting back on this.  We do not have oversight of this program, and this is not our member.  This is a HUD program administered by the Area Agency on Aging, with Southwest Behavior Health Services as the provider.
Carol Vack|Local Health Liaison l Public Information
Office of the Director l Arizona Department of Health Services
(: 602.542-7395 | 7: 602. 542.0883 | ::

Tobi Zavala <>

Mon 8/12/2013, 6:57 AM
Neither of these individuals are licensed with our Board.
I forwarded your complaint to OBHL. Their contact information is below.
Office of Behavioral Health Licensing
150 N. 18th Ave, Suite 410
Phoenix, AZ 85007
(602) 364-2595

Paul Goree

Tue 8/6/2013, 9:49 AM
I am submitting my complaint, regarding unfair manangement and unethical decisions and actions of case workers at South West Behavioral Services. Attached you will find:

1) my original complaint and Youtube video address of harssment towards caught in the act:

2) a response from HUD Represenatative, requesting additional information
3) my response to the HUD Representative request for additional information; plus documents sent to South West Behavioral Services Case Workeres and the agency refering me to SWB for HOWPA housing
4) 2nd response from HUD Representative, stating the representative is out of the office.

Please review all documents and determine my complaint against case workers Margret Finn and Johnny Garcia of South West Behavioral Service:
Phoenix, Arizona. SWBS is a HOWPA Grantees and project sponsors for the HOWPA housing program. SWB is located at 3450 N 3rd St, Phoenix, AZ 85012.

I don't believe the case workers involved followed the code of ethics determined by AMHCA. And I have docuemented the HUD/HOWPA codes which were violated by the case workers involved from South West Behavioral Services:

1)24 CFR 574.310(e), HOPWA regulations
2)24 CFR 83.306(d)
3)24 CFR 574.440

Thank You
Paul Dewitt Goree

H.U.D. Complaint about South West Behavioral Service and Response E-mails: CLAUDIA LOPEZ HUD -HUD

Paper Trail of Housing Complaint Neglected

Lopez, Claudia L <>

Mon 9/9/2013, 2:47 PM
I am temporarily assigned to another office.  If you need assistance regarding your complaint or have a fair housing matter, please contact 1-800-347-3739, extension 6524 Monday - Friday 8:15am to 4:45pm and someone will assist you.  Thanks.

Paul Goree

Mon 9/9/2013, 2:47 PM
7/24/2013 (First)
09/09/13 (Second)
Paul D. Goree
232 South 12th Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85007
(602) 330- 6758
In response to HOWPA/HUD complaint sent on 03/15/2013, the following is the requested detailed information. The following is to also document neglect of case workers,   Margret Finn and Johnny Garcia of South West Behavioral Service, in Phoenix, Arizona. SWBS is a HOWPA Grantees and project sponsors for the HOWPA housing program. SWB is located at 3450 N 3rd St, Phoenix, AZ 85012.
 First I would like to express. That is my understanding that a caseworker primary responsibility is to attend to their client and follow through with intervention is required. 6 telephone calls to the Phoenix Police Department, regarding events detailed in this complaint, were neglected by the caseworks stated above. Of the 6 officer assisted visits, 3 stated that they would request an intervention/separation. Margret Finn and Johnny Garcia stated to me that they never received any of the police report, regarding the events occurring at 4902 N. 19th Ave Phoenix, AZ 85015. On Dec 23, 2012, caseworker Johnny Garcia left a voice message on my phone. He was in a frustrated state of mind and angrily yelled the message, that he would be coming over that day, to end the roommate dilemma. Yet no intervention followed through.
              1. Describe the events in which you were injured by being denied housing rights.
              2. When did these events occur? When were you denied housing rights?
              3. Who discriminated against you? What is their relationship to the subject property?
              4. What did they do to control the transaction? What is their contact information?
              5. What events indicate the basis of discrimination is race, color, national origin
                  religion, gender, familial status, or disability?  Please provide dates for each event.
              6. Identify all the members of your household
1.) As described in 24 CFR 574.310(e), HOPWA regula­tions require agencies to create a formal process for handling the termination of participants from HOPWA assistance. Termination procedures should include the following elements:
      Written notice to the participant containing a clear statement of the reasons
for termination;
Opportunity for a participant to a review of the decision, allowing them to
confront opposing witnesses, present written objections, and be represented
by their own counsel or representative, before a person other than the per­
       son (or a subordinate of that person) who made or approved the termination
       No prior violations or issues regarding drug usage were applied.
       Requirement that client enroll in drug rehab, has no prior written violation stated. Yet
       This was listed as one of the two reasons.
        Second, client was not informed of other tenants living arrangements and thus
        Was unaware that former tenant actions warrant trespassing. Client was informed
        April 2013 and was informed by Police department on the day termination was issued.
        The caseworker Johnny Garica, violated my civil rights, by regulating who enters the
        The apartment. The police officer explained this to him, stating that only the Police
        Officer or the property management can release trespassing information.
2) According to 24 CFR 83.306(d), Information related to covered disabilities or handicaps dur­ing their housing program’s screening or participant selection process. Though it limits what information a provider can gather about a person’s disabilities, the Act does allow a provider or property owner to ask other questions for the following purposes:  
Case workers screening of client# 2 did not presume a future hostile environment for both clients, due to client #2’s mental diagnoses (but voluntarily conveyed to client #1 by client #2).
Case worker neglected to screen client for possible mental disabilities, which might have an effect on the other client. Client #1 had to call for emergency assistance several times for client #2’s extreme anxiety attacks.
Client #2 made several calls to casework Johnny Garica requesting intervention based on 
his assumptions of me during his anxiety attacks.
            Clients #2 threaten me several times, comparing me to his father. I suggested that he seek
Professional assistance. I suggested he talk to Johnny Garica. Client #2 stated that he was a Client of South West Behavioral Service.  Whereas I am not a client of South West Behavioral Service. Thus caseworker wrongfully place client #2.
For determining generally whether they would represent a threat to the
health or safety of other tenants or residents. (see YOUTUBE video ::
For determining if someone will be able to meet the terms of their tenancy or
For determining if they are currently using illegal substances, if they have
been convicted of the manufacture or distribution of a controlled substance;
3) HUD has three primary objectives that it seeks to achieve through the HOPWA program:
     a.) Increased stability for participants in housing that is safe, decent, and sani­tary
(Case Worker neglect resulted in an unsafe environment, were duress obligations
were I was expected to be attended to the mental factors of client #2. Both Magret Finn and Johnny Garica, clarified that although they wanted me to talk with client #2 about his 1.) Post HIV status concern (violating client#2 confidentiality) that I should not consider this request to be a job.) It is not my responsibility to attend to the needs of a client. Under NASW guidelines.
b.) Reduced risk of homelessness
(case worker failed to meet these objectives, client #1     
      was terminated and currently resides in homeless shelter.)
c.)Increased access to care and support
4) The HOPWA regulation that implements this requirement, 24 CFR 574.440, states:
The grantee shall agree, and shall ensure that each project sponsor agrees.
 (Due to the proper screening of client #2, confidentially was compromised as client #2 falsely disclosed HIV/AID status of client #1 (as AIDS) to police officers, neighbors and client #1 guest.)
I am still very disturbed by the events that occurred from November 2012 till June 2013, by which total neglect, disrespect and unethical standards were used by case managers in dealing with both I and Angel Thurman. I am especially angry seeming that a suitable housing plan was made by Mr. Garcia and I, which would have resulted in an successful separation of me, from HOWPA.  Instead I had to revert back to homelessness at CASS (1214 W Madison St Phoenix, AZ 85007. ) and come to terms of failure which I feel is equally disbursed among all participants. For the first 5 months of this arrangement, everything was going smoothly. Then with the neglect of case workers, regarding HOWPA statue 24 CFR 574.440, 24 CFR 83.306(d) and 24 CFR 574.310(e) resulted in homelessness.
Thank You
Paul Goree

Sunday, October 7, 2018

My Toe Amputation and Feet Correction: Is Business - Business Healthy

Image result for fake nike

As my foot is now going through the correction and healing from the toe amputation (8/2018). It started with a series of fake cheap shoes. This is a conscious decision I made. But I now have to consider buying fake American brand shoes. 

These shoes are unAmerican. Seeming they use CAPITALISTIC IDEOLOGY and MARKET EXCHANGE, yet REFUSE-REFUSE- to follow the American Collective Liberty of  the manufacturers .  

I am now against FAKE (China) made NIKES.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018


This year has been difficult and as I face each new life atlering incident, I keep my Faith strong knowing truth will prevail.
This gets difficult when some people make Freudian slip of the tongue expressions, that only maddens me to some socially unacknowledged yet questionable events as the have resulted. Last week. "unknown March 1st" 

was listening to me explain about all the hospitalization that have taken place this year 2018. Up to my most recent, toe amputation (8/3/18-infection in the bone). He  made a Freudian Slip , expressing...with an awkward zealous delight "I can't wait till I reach my REDEMPTION stage!"
What was he specifically addressing, as it us not us -only God who will be judging us. I disregarded his Freudian Slip, and as I continue to focus on his and others odd involvement in my life.
I have been expecting deterioration to hit me mentally and medically and as pointed out to me om 2004. Will be the natural end result of an unknowns collective to see to it I die a slow and pain death. 

But this year stands out far beyond any other.

Dec 2017/Jan 2018-
Eye surgery to reconnect tear duck is missed, thus rescheduling will have to occur. Eye injury is from incident in Los Angeles by which my arrival to emergency room was 24 hours to late for Victimization Report by LAPD yet hospital. called 911 resulting in wrong date and time on incident. After relocating to San Francisco I attend to optical doctor referral for degenerative lvision lose and eye surgery. (San Francisco and Los Angeles)

Late Feb/March2018- Cervical Surgery Degenerative (San Francisco )
April 2018- Ran over at an intersection by white vehicle. I had the right of way, on lookers shocked and call 911-I still know little about the driver. (San Francisco)

May 2018 - Stabe injury in mouth. I stop bleeding and mental needed to return to my previous state if peace mind writing alone. Enforcement called to remove me from property-enforcement show me severity of wound and suggest I immediately go to hospital. Hospital not content with my inspefic recall of incident. (San Francisco)

May 2018 - Another passive yet assault resulting in injury to my lip. At this point I just want to be left alone as I began relocation to Los Angeles (which original was 02/2018 but spinal surgery began delay)

August 2018- Bone infection in right toe results in amputation. (Los Angeles)
Some of these medical emergencies are a natural early reaction to aging and are degenerative. Some are passive random acts of violence or unintentional accidents. But for someone to suggest I'm being targeted by God as I am with REDEMPTION stage and only brings to mind the very sub-cultural collectives I've been blogging about since 2008.