Tuesday, February 7, 2017

EDS--KELLY SERVICES--LTV STEEL : Cleveland OH 1997-1999

EDS--KELLY SERVICES--LTV STEEL : Cleveland OH 1997-1999

I accepted a contract assignment in Cleveland, OH as conversion tech. Job duty depends on the nature of the corporation. Sometimes the corporation is/excepts increased future business, thus upgraded systems and training of current employees occur. Sometimes the corporation is going out of business and I sever as skeleton crew assistant. Thus in Cleveland, OH 1997, LTV STEEL CORPORATION was going through the logistics. The logistic companies to handle the logistics and consulting were E.D.S (plano, tx) and Anderson Consulting.

My assignment was under the company itself. We go floor to floor (in the B.P Building) department to department determining the skeleton crew. My duty work with each departments manager and their chosen employee to stay.  After the first department was made a skeleton. A decision was made between legals, if I were to continue in this skeleton crew, one of the consultant firms required I be removed for a week before I reentered for the next floor. The other was against it. And through some confusion, many exchanges happened. Seeming LTV STEEL was all the reflected this great nation in the steel industry and E.D.S and Anderson Consulting were the top consultant firms in the nation. And they both are hired to dissolve LTV Steel---some days you could feel the tension in the air.

My Kelly Service recruiter called me to the office and let me know, that the decision had been made, that I leave the building between floor changes. Thus she will be providing me with a week assignment to cover the work.  The first assignment was KEY BANK recep/admin asst. $1 million dollar account plus transfer in. This job lasted for the week by which Key Bank wanted to buy out my contract which was not possible. My recruit called me into the office and her statement..."Paul did not you tell me the only requirement for assignments, is that it was in the Steel Industry? "Yes". Then she explained the rest and that in the future the Vice President I was working under was going to find a solution to meet the requirement.

The solution was found and I had to leave the office again. I was sent to a stated: Recruiter from Plano, TX for an interview. When I enter the office there only him. He saw me and jump to explaining everything. Only one question for this job. How many lines-occupy an Excel spread sheet for a 8x10 paper? I expressed the wrong answer, I didn't know? He then told me about a different job that he thought I'd be perfect for. He stood up and expressed to the best qualities about me. The primary one being I can appear intimidating in the corporate business world. The preceded to ask me what I think about an event.  He explained the event. After he finished I replied, "Well I just don't think that fair?" "Your hired". Assignment at one of the steel mill plants. I would be working with 2 other temps who are leaving within a week. There are 3 engineers and clerk. The 3 engineers have not be able to produce at a reasonable leave. The job is identify antiquated inventory as far back as 1880.  There is only quanitative data and it is broken into different reports. All of the inventory that the company purchased must be identified for it's value and not one item had been identified.

Within 3 days me and the two other temps identified an item. By which I put together a pc, and sent a note on the mainframe. That caused a red alert at the main downtown office with both consultant firm. When I finally talked to my boss he informed me, that the floor supervisor saw his workers inviting me on a tour of the mill  and that I had the tip of my shoe over the entrance line, violating OSHA ruling, because I had no eye gear on, which some one was getting for. It's all fine. He then told me, I need to listen to what my Kellys Representative is going to tell me. He thank me and wished me luck.

My Kelly Representative, as I entered the office, approached me stating "Paul I'm sorry, but I have to repeat this again. Didn't you say you wanted to only be in the Steel Industry? " "Yes".  She then went on to tell me that EDS director want to give me a raise for the assignment (over $20 an hour) for the job that I had done so well. But she couldn't let him because I was of a different Kelly rank. I would have to be at Kelly Professional rank, which requires a B.A. So the most she could give me was a raise to $12 dollars and hour and I was employee of the month for 2 months, and E.D.S. had bought my contract out and I now will be working with E.D.S. who has bought out LTV Steels benefits department. My new assignment was going to be in the Employee Benefits Department at LTV Steel as the assistant to the administrator of Retiring Employees and Surviving Spouses. Our office was moved from Cleveland, OH to Lakewood, OH.

The problem with Kelly Service is that they should have provided me more information before simply doing the assignment transfer. Had she informed me that the position with EDS at LTV Steel requires a higer security back ground check. I would have desired to remain as I was with LTV Steel.

The assignment ended 1999 with a F.B.I string operation on a veteran hero involved pension theft. WOW what a shock!

The problem with EDS is that another temp (they would come in and out -2 of them) approached me at the end of my assignment and asked me, "What does it feel like to be the nation index consumer report specialist? I had no clue to what he meant and reminded him that I was not going to apply to EDS, because I didn't feel I was smart enough." He then went on the express, "They haven't told you yet and then reminded me of his comment regarding smart." He couldn't believe that I would think such thing and that EDS hires on an indifferent perspective seeming some department are in need of out of box thing. It make the team more beneficial. 

THIS IS WHY MARGRET FINN is such a heavy heavy complication on my mind, seeming I won't allow her doings to end up like the two corporation above---unattended to, brushed under the rug! Recently in L.A. I heard a gentleman express, "What kind of job, pays you on the  last day of work with the company? Which is so funny and raises questions.


Once again a business just can't seem to balance it's customer service teams and location workers.  Greyhound bus service this is long in being expressed; because I am still shocked at the service of the  Los Angeles terminal, that not only effected me, but 3 elderly females also.

2016/July L.A. to PHX at the L.A. terminal : I purchase my ticket with the cash ticket machine. The behind the counter announcer expressed all the buses that were scheduled and stop immediately at the one before mine. Not announcing mines nor the 2 elderly before me. The fact that after the counter announcer, announcement was made. There was an employee who seemed to direct the line. 10 minute to 5 minutes, he would go around shouting the bus number and destination of the present loading bus. It would be impossible for someone to not hear him. And yet my bus was loading when I wonder, why I haven't heard any bus announcements. And the 3 elderly ladies seem to feel the same.

When I approached the counter, there were 2 persons in front of me. The 3 elderly were behind me. Finally I reached the counter and the very rude clerk informed me, I had to buy a new ticket. My bus had only exited the terminal 15 minutes prior to me approaching the counter. The first ticket was purchased on the machine/with cash. This allows one to put anybodies name. I thought this county and state had determined that wrong. - Now this second ticket would have to be purchased at the counter, changing all the factors. The first and second ticket cost $20 each). I had to pay an additional $20 for the next bus. I felt that this was not responsibility to attend to. It seemed as if the entire terminal was taken over by a group of actors and work for hires. Who intentional did not announce two buses at all.

At the Phoenix terminal they had the  same machine:yet only credit cards, debits cards, prepaid cards (FDIC regulated) can be used. Keeping in order the name on the ticket much match the rider.

GREYHOUND, have you found it PROFITABLE$$$$$, collecting data from  your customer. Did you evenly provide "fare change" to them for being unconsently used in your research with these machines? I am only concerned about the second $20 dollars I had to pay, at the fault of your employees.

GREYHOUND, don't forget the best and most import thing about FREE enterprise is competition. Maybe you should consider the options that are available now (EL-PASO BUS) or Trailways. Maybe they understand true customer service better. I AM A VERY DISSATISFIED CUSTOMER.

Paul Dewitt Goree


During these last days/months in Los Angeles...I have kept my disposition of R.E.D.U (still no answers-- the Margaret Finn -S.W.B.S in Phoenix is the most difficult due to lack of profession ethics.
I've been going around L.A. where serious disrespectful actions from civil employees have happen. Here is a re-post...http://paulgoree.blogspot.com/2016/10/regarding-issue-with-los-angeles-city.html