Monday, September 3, 2018

The Worth Of A Persons Word.

Re-track: 1/2020
Since individualism and liberty mean so much to me how can I actually continue allowing it not to mean the same to other Americans. They may think my exceptations are unrealistic and not warrant because if cultural variances. Yet they lack empathy to believe I am subject to their cultural exceptations. For example, all attempts to be fair would be in both cultures thus everything would have to be explained or not expressed at all. Otherwise disrespect can not be avoided.

As of 5/2020 I have declared 
myself The Non-Copporative Citizen desiring not to be within the entanglement of basic biased collectives which piggy back on liberty. They piggy back with an Americanism spirit for prosperity but include their separate culture as a requirement upon the macro culture.


The worth of a persons word, is something that has bothered me fr some decades. Now I associate it worth our nationalistic character, by which I would never want to disrespect another Americans individuals liberties. As O have stated several times, "What American doesn't think another American deserves their full liberties, which are individually based. I can not and will be able to be anything else but what my SOUL CODE (James Hillman- has lead me to be. As I was growing up, all that I experienced is the unique. Essences of me. This is my individual character.

As an American I have always appreciated the nature by which I am able to exist and exchange with other Americans our individual uniqueness . The very act of this exchange strengthens the core principals if our LIBERTY. I full understand that my liberty ( the freedom to be all that I can be, without constraints of a regime or other individual/collective citizen(s). I entrust my citizen status to a collective political structure, by which others are delegated/positioned to act on yt? he be half if all of us. This trust ensures that at no time none if us are deprived of our liberty and the rights we employee to live freely.

Thus the worth of a persons words become the invisible communal trust. Without this invisible trust, we minimize our Liberty, because we go out into the world caution of those around us. That caution often  results in judgements of another and thus ends up being the disrespectful nature of our individualism, over another America. Whereas that caution could be the self conscious acknowledgement of our collective Americanism. 

I shouldn't have to be concerned that at any time, another American would let their individual beliefs -minimize mines. Seeming such actions only lead o the same intent upon themselves. All disrespectful actions end up displacing both of us. This disables us to fully be all that we desire to be. It becomes the seed of division, which limits soulful intent. We must be able to trust the civil mechanism that allows all of us to exist as we desire. That trust is the basis of a communal honest system. 

Understanding that all citizen choose to not be regulated individually to the truth of their intent. The worth of a person word, is the means by which we interact within the safety of knowing: each takes the responsibility to express in truth, expressions that do not disrupt this communicational oath.. In the United States, this is rooted in 

Our FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS: The Freedoms of Expressions, provide the worth of our collective interest. I would hope that all American sub cultural collectives understand that any malicious intent against an American, only ends up being the very spark, that ignites the deterioration of liberty.

As some are persistent with their intent to maneuver the life of of others. Thus interrupting and disrespecting the indivdual liberty of that persons. Their actions are a demeaning assault against our collective interest. To be continually disrespected is something that can not be accepted. If you ask me to engage in something with you. And I replied, no. 

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