Monday, October 15, 2018

Unethical Complaint Regarding Paul Goree and South West Behavior Services HOWPA HUD: TOBI ZAVALA, CAROL VACK

Unethical Complaint Regarding Paul Goree and case workers at South West Behavioral Services HOWPA HUD


Thu 8/15/2013, 7:39 AM
Dear Mr. Goree,
Sorry about the delay in getting back on this.  We do not have oversight of this program, and this is not our member.  This is a HUD program administered by the Area Agency on Aging, with Southwest Behavior Health Services as the provider.
Carol Vack|Local Health Liaison l Public Information
Office of the Director l Arizona Department of Health Services
(: 602.542-7395 | 7: 602. 542.0883 | ::

Tobi Zavala <>

Mon 8/12/2013, 6:57 AM
Neither of these individuals are licensed with our Board.
I forwarded your complaint to OBHL. Their contact information is below.
Office of Behavioral Health Licensing
150 N. 18th Ave, Suite 410
Phoenix, AZ 85007
(602) 364-2595

Paul Goree

Tue 8/6/2013, 9:49 AM
I am submitting my complaint, regarding unfair manangement and unethical decisions and actions of case workers at South West Behavioral Services. Attached you will find:

1) my original complaint and Youtube video address of harssment towards caught in the act:

2) a response from HUD Represenatative, requesting additional information
3) my response to the HUD Representative request for additional information; plus documents sent to South West Behavioral Services Case Workeres and the agency refering me to SWB for HOWPA housing
4) 2nd response from HUD Representative, stating the representative is out of the office.

Please review all documents and determine my complaint against case workers Margret Finn and Johnny Garcia of South West Behavioral Service:
Phoenix, Arizona. SWBS is a HOWPA Grantees and project sponsors for the HOWPA housing program. SWB is located at 3450 N 3rd St, Phoenix, AZ 85012.

I don't believe the case workers involved followed the code of ethics determined by AMHCA. And I have docuemented the HUD/HOWPA codes which were violated by the case workers involved from South West Behavioral Services:

1)24 CFR 574.310(e), HOPWA regulations
2)24 CFR 83.306(d)
3)24 CFR 574.440

Thank You
Paul Dewitt Goree

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