• Life Insurance Question?

    What can you do, if someone gets a Life Insurance Policy in your name without your permission? Are all policies payable? How can you contact Insurance Agencies to let them know?
    4 answers · Insurance · 1 decade ago  (2008)


    Best Answer:  You contact that insurance company, and tell them someone forged your signature and impersonated you when they took the blood samples. You then contact your state insurance commissioner for the same. Then you file charges against the policy owner.

    AGENCIES have nothing to do with it. They can't do a blessed thing. Policies are payable unless they are cancelled. You need to contact the company that wrote the policy, and your state insurance department fraud unit.
    Source(s): agent, 21+ years
    Anonymous · 1 decade ago

    Asker's rating 5 out of 5
    • I suggest you to visit this website where you can compare rates from the best companies: http://insurancetocompare.info/index.htm...

      RE :Life Insurance Question?
      What can you do, if someone gets a Life Insurance Policy in your name without your permission? Are all policies payable? How can you contact Insurance Agencies to let them know?
      Follow 3 answers
      Bastien · 2 years ago

    • One should not be able to get a life insurance policy in your name without your permission. Contact the company and ask them what you have to do to get it canceled.
      KIDD3422 · 1 decade ago

    • This CANNOT happen!!!! Period!!! End of statement.

      Life insurance is a contract and all persons who are subject to that contract HAVE TO/ MUST sign the papers.
      Mark S · 1 decade ago
    Of these great response the correct and best thing to do is contact the state insurance department and let them know someone may be attempting a false claim against you on life insurance. I did this for my own self in 2008 and let my family know, so that only insurance claims coming from them can be done. All other claims if they come through would be investigated by the state insurance board. It is sad that we have come to this type of security in our society. The ideal individuals would attempt to benefit from someone elses death or that they would attempt to alter their own policies near death to reflect or deframe others is wrong. Such events happen in Los Angele, CA SkidRow in 2006.

    2 Arrested in Homeless Life Insurance Scam

    Pair are accused of obtaining policies on two men who later died in hit-and-run accidents.

    May 19, 2006| Cara Mia DiMassa and Richard Winton | Times Staff Writers
     Two women in their 70s were arrested Thursday after they allegedly befriended two homeless men, took out 19 life insurance policies on them and filed claims worth more than $2.2 million after the transients mysteriously died in hit-and-run pedestrian accidents in Los Angeles.
    One of the men was hit by a car and killed in an alley off La Brea and Melrose avenues in 1999, and the second victim was run down in a Westwood alley last June.
    Detectives said they connected the two cases several months ago during a chance meeting between two investigators in the LAPD's West Traffic Bureau squad room....http://articles.latimes.com/2006/may/19/local/me-homeless1