In California and Nevada, 2007—Doctors make some discovery unexplainable to them at the time. The California doctor goes into more detail stating that she had discovered some unusual blood development sequence in my blood work. She went on to explain that under normal circumstance, what is developed as Leukemia is a progressive 3 stage, 3 steps per stage development. What she has found in my blood work is an out of sequence development, which consist of the first stage having the 1st and 3rd step, the second stage having only the 2nd step and the third stage having none of the steps. This information was also brought to my attention in Las Vegas at the University Hospital and was to be looked into later.
If I ever thought odd things couldn't happen over and over again. This event threw me to the curb, seeming that upon arrival in Los Angeles 2016, I guess this disorder was no longer active in my blood stream. But then it doesn't explain so many other strange events. Which are documented within hospitals in Nevada and California. Thus fake, deceitful data as referred to by Franklin Foer, really make real data hard to accept. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/05/realitys-end/556877/
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