Sunday, November 18, 2018

Movie Treatment 1823 (Private Property)

paul dewitt goree
‏ @paulgoree2016
Working on movie treatment, (I want to ruin the copyright by Twitter Internet-seeming it's American Public Domain). treatment is titled 1823 (Private Property). Regarding gentleman from North Carolina and his business of run away slaves. The great thing about the gentleman from the great state of North Carolina is that he is a fair gentleman-in that, he would let any freedom paper holding negro know, that if they are not more protective of their papers, they will be destroyed and he will proceed in capturing them-Thus be careful.
Unfortunately our North Carolina gentleman peers plot against him and poison his whiskey, by which he slips into a daze of coma and arrives in the INTERIM 2015 North Carolina. He then proceeds with his rhetorical claim with the bill of purchase and the new paper announcement from 1823 declaring him the owner of run away slave....NAME LISTED...who really is another American citizen who has no ideal of the search the time traveling slave broker is going to pursue in the 21st century.…/the-only-unavoidable-subject…/

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