Saturday, April 23, 2016

OBAMA's Twitter ? 600,000 Prisoners Can We prepare them to reenter society? Yahoo Answer 2014

Today on Twitter Obama asked a very important question, toward the end of his Presidency. 600,000 people leave prison each year, can we prepare them to re-enter society?  While in Phoenix, AZ, I recall one prisoner testifying to me that "he feels that the Arizona Correctional System, didn't correct him at all...they had only made it clear what behavior reduceds recidivism" seeming he (White Male 45 age) went straigth from Juvenile Hall to Prison.  I recall at Cleveland State University the question came up about rehabilitation of inmates instead of correctional punishment.

Back In 2014 I Posted on Yahoo:

Should Private Invest Companies like Goldman Sachs get involved with Public Social Services?

Recently in Bloomberg Businessweek, an article by Esme E. Deprez titled 'Goldman Bets On Cutting Crime'. The article detailed the effective, cost cutting and social award of public social service, administered under Goldman Sachs, compared to the current public social service. In Boston, Goldman more
 1 answer


Ed Nargel
 Best Answer:  Goldman and other banking establishments work best as total dictators. Pay up or we foreclose on your home! Social Services most often require compassion, a poor quality for a bank. Most humans are self interested. They desire to extract the most personal benefit for the least corresponding effort. Social Services only works because there are "idiots" out there who want to provide and do not demand any form of effort in return or for exchange in the event. Bums are bums because they only desire to take...ever seen a bum out handing out dollars?
Ed Nargel · 2 years ago
Asker's rating 1 out of 5

1 comment:

  1. As far as the best answer, well I am proof in LOS ANGELES California that those ideals of social services are not TRUE! Let's let Goldman Sachs run some of the public services, cheaper and more effiecent
