Saturday, September 24, 2016


Jim Crow-Segregation Day Re-Enactment:

DO NOT POST UNTIL YAHOO COMMUNITY QUESTION IS FOUND!!! (till date not located on web!!! recall my Wordpress first post and phising and removal of private/quasi private written works!!! )

As stated in earlier posts. In 2009 I presented to the Yahoo community a interesting question of a fictional/possible non-fictional American situation. The question was...WHAT DO YOU THINK? Year 1955, state Southern State, story: An African American male, working full time, paying state, county and city taxes, owns his home and family: finds out that the city is having a grand park opening. He decides to take his family to this grand opening - only to see either of these signs (Jim Crow Segregation Signs). WHAT DO YOU THINK?

The response was 4 and I ended the question, because it was divided 2 African American and 2 Whites. The Whites both suggested that "Can't we get over this?": The 2 African Americans (and me in thought) "NO, we can not get over this!" Thus I decided to put the entire project aside, until another year or decade, when this division did not exist.

Image result for jim crow sign
Image result for jim crow sign at park

The point of the leading question, was to bring up the ideal of Segregation Re-Enactment Day for Martin Luther King Jr. 2017 or 2018 birthday: and for the entire month of February-African American History Month.

The objective is that the displacement of these signs actually being viewed by today's generation (besides in text books and internet) is not a possibility. Yet for my own generation, Generation X it was not a possibility either. Thus to really prove to as many American citizens as possible, let's consider placing the signs exactly where they existed in the year 1955! 

Through out the United States, public and private (if private wants to participate) place a Jim Crow Segregation Sign were it was in 1955. If the establishment has relocated, no sign needs to be placed. If the establishment is  the same under different management/civic situations. Then the people get to decide. If the establishment is CIVIC, the signs are mandatory seeming public/citizen tax dollars where involved (unless the civic was a no tax state).

The purposes of this project are:
1) Interactive Learning Experience for adults who have experience with these signs and children who don't.

2) To prove to Americans and others, how far we've really come with racial tensions.

3.) To get American citizens involved with American issues. (Obama recent statement about the African American Museum "...I think, explains why this museum is so necessary, because that same object reframed, put in context, "tells us so much more." best expresses the benefit this project can/could provide to "the Nation , by the people, for the people." It reveals to us, our American History, with all of the bad and good within it!

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