Friday, September 9, 2016



What a shame NONE of the tools yet expected to cooperate . Cooperate with WHO, WHAT, WHY and for peek sake WHERE are they.

my life... Some folks say I"m crazy But it ain't enough for the state to pay me. Since they be INTELLI scientists probing me since, 92. You'd think they shuck my ass and bury me. But I keep getting em" stats right dhere! Lame logistics numbering up...One Day fate will crash in and I'll cash "em basters settlement $$$...They should have gave me that D and D and not this doc shit sodium. They should have paid me off and pinned my ass. So what the fuck been going on-18 years and I"m still clueless. USA expendable y'all know me Saint P -Goree!

Yes No tools but expected cooperation. Sodium placebo which flares acute rectum failure. Oh Well, like Mick Flwetwood sang... "oh well"

oh well, I guess we all gotta die for what we believe is our LIBERTY AND RIGHT... The rigjth to know. Paul Goree Saint P Goree

18 years and the battle will continue as far as I am concern. Sodium we knew that in PHX, AZ

Be the change you want in the WORLD. CHIESPIRIT... Consciously ackniwledging all creation with spirit.

Thank You Ghandi for foresight of BEING THAT CHANGE!

So the sub cultural collective Meth team, intimidates citizens for behavioral correction. WHAT A SHAME On USA.....(yes 18 years of the Sub-Cult Substance Behavioral Control Collective. And they still having done anything but intimidate and harass. Point in case (as part of R.E.D.U - Redo You- Reverse, Educate, Drugs and You! report 1992-present), SAN DIEGO testimonial (name to be revealed later) :: wanted to know if I had heard of stories in the previous states I lived in about WHITE and BLACK cars. The white cars had senior citizens in them with what seemed to be a grandchild. I used my screening mechanism to identify his state of mind regarding his life (16-present 45 years old) substance use with meth. He was in good conscious state. 

He also represent a STATE DEPENDENT individual, state financial paying for him since 10th grade high school (San Diego High School- with real 21 Jump Street Enforcement late 80's) through juvenile justice and then on to the prison system for two terms (possession, distribution, etc). These STATE DEPENDENT persons (permission provided Sociology Ethic requirement) also exist in Phoenix, AZ (4) and Las Vegas, NV (2). These person represent the total inefficiency of tax payers dollars with no effect results. As done by Goldman Sach regarding felonies. These STATE DEPENDENTS are still using same substance, they have self determined they own usage dosages, they are not involved with distribution and the STATE has already spent over $300,000.00 on each of them and still they are DEPENDENT on the state, due to felony blockage and ineffective treatment.

He believes the white cars seem to know when he is high on meth and are attempting to create a more complicated psychosis within him. They follow him around. They park in their cars and just observe him.

I informed him that in other states, (AZ,NV, MO) yes, I had heard of the cars. But San Diego is the first time I heard of senior citizens driving the cars with grandchildren. I did some strength based development with him. WHAT IS IT THAT BOTHERS HIM ABOUT THEM? WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO HIM? HAVE THEY PHYSICALLY ATTACKED YOU? VERBALLY EXPRESSED ANYTHING? HAVE THEY CALL/INFORMED THE ENFORCEMENT OF YOU?

NO was the answer to all of these questions. Thus then he can realize, Yes they only irritate him and thus they really are no danger and are just wasting his time, trying to disrupt his high and cause/increase paranoia. 

I informed him-EXACTLY, thus they are just as ineffective. So you can increase you own mind set of your usage and regulate it. As long as you (as he was) are attempting to be progressive in the society (employment, independent living and moving forward, NO DISTRIBUTION or COOKING). Which he was removed from.

He to old to continue to keep him STATE DEPENDENT and recovery is NOT going to HAPPEN!

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