Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Time Stops-Slowing Down Encounters

Time Stops-Slowing Down Encounters
Paul Goree 9/13/2013  San Diego, CA

I have had moments in my life, where it seemed that time was slowing down as I was being confronted by someone else intentions. It was during these moments, unexplainable events occur where by something is not where it was before time slowed down. Some call it Gravitational time dilation is a form of time dilation, an actual difference of elapsed time between two events as measured by observers situated at varying distances from a gravitating mass. The weaker the gravitational potential (the farther the clock is from the source of gravitation), the faster time passes.

Las Vegas, NV 2004.  I diamond ring from a Cadillac dealership manager/owner in Las Vegas, NV. The ring was stolen from him as his car was broken into. The ring ended up being in a suitcase that some hustlers brought over, along with other dumpster items. This all occurred at my apartment on Hoover St.
One week later Oso and a female friend of his came over. He is overly polite and eventually get to the point of the sudden visit. He wants to know where is the ring. As I slowly pull the ring from my pocket, waving it in the air: stating “this ring?” It slipped from my fingers and  TIME seemed to slow down. I visually followed the ring, but with the return of normal TIME, I couldn’t find the fallen location from where it should have landed. I was in the process of moving from that apartment, so it was completely clean (no furniture, no trash, completely empty.) Oso stated “O.K. we going to leave now”. His friend stated “Nice to meet you.”
2 weeks from that day Oso’s wife called me to let me know, that she heard about the ring and for me not to worry. She had taken it from him and placed it in a family members pawn shop-until it could be return to the original owner.

Me and Marabella went to a phone store. The car we drove in would start when we left. I called Thrill to pick us up. He came and we drove Marabella to her friend/boyfriends house. She asked Thrill if he could give her 5 minutes to run in and out. She ran out of the house she was yelling and preventing Fernado from moving towards us. Thrill noticed that Fernando had a gun. I was looking out the passenger window at both Marabella and Fernado. I slowly turned around to hear something Thrill was yelling at me. When I was fully facing him, TIME returned to normal.  Thrill was yelling “Why didn’t I see Fernando coming?” He was asking me, “Didn’t I see Fernando coming.” He could understand, how I could not have known, what it means when time slows down!”

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