Sunday, April 1, 2018



On March the 28th, I was experiencing a high level of energy transmutation. Energy transmutation is when several forms of energy is obtained by an individual and then is transmuted various ways, as detailed by Napoleon Hill (transmutation of energy is : in simple language, "the changing, or transferring of one element, or form of energy, into another)  or Wallace D. Wattles talks about the Law of Perpetual Transmutation. Simply put, energy from the formless realm is constantly flowing into the material world and taking form. 

While in the San Francisco Public Library, I was avoiding some intentional diaologue which seems inappropriate for the library. Situations whereby small collectives come near an individual and start loud conversation, that could other wise be conducted in the lobby or else where. As I was removing myself from such people. I went to the 4th floor and simple pulled a book from the self. My intent was not the read the book. But to glaze through the book and just let the image of the words provide some comfort. This is what I mean by the energy is transmuted. Well the book I randomly chose is titled: THE EMIGRANT FAREWELL by: Robert L. Wright July 1865.  Thus as I was trying to remove myself from negative energy of a small collective. I transmuted energy and obtain more energy from the 2 Swedish ballads that I read. They symbolize what I feel about my nations ( The United States of America) the constant disturbance of my life where by peace can not be found, regardless of where I move. And how I have always felt that the VERY REAL V2K/Audio is a minimizing factor that our nation or some citizens are not taking as serious as they should.  Thus here are these blinded mind glazing realities as written by Robert L. Wright.  If you have no interest in transmutation of energy then these ballads would be nothing by which data can seem EVIDENT of RATIONAL!

As precaution I wrote a note on a piece of paper and placed it in the book as bookmarker. The paper stated in my writing with my signature. Chiespirit / Mi Espirito    Paul Goree and the page by which the first of these ballads is taken - page 50. 

The Emigrant Farewell To Their Home- July 1865 (page 50)
We shall, as farewell from our dear home
Write down some lines before we forget them
Now we intend to leave our dear native land
Whether or not we hold it again-That rests in Gods hands
It is our greatest pleasure to travel away
And friends and acquaintance are only given as a loan
And we shall not mourn even if it looks hard
We hope that we can meet again in a better PEACE.
"No one else should mourn us-
but our mothers, fathers, sisters, cousins, aunts and uncles " 
For God, he comforts all who believe in him
We wish to live in a better land -
Things can't be worst than here in Yoke and Reins
Like brother shall we travel if we keep our health -
We shall each dry the others tears.
Resolutely-we journey from friends and acquaintances here
And think perhaps we'll never see Hanebo Parish again
But we can hope to be allowed to meet again
And this happens exchange in another land
There freedom is the only rule
And the Reins are lighters
God help us on the journey that we do not parish
We write our friend to come here if that is Gods pleasure
We will have our thoughts with your every day
And we bid you all a hearty farewell - O'remember what it means to be a "Slave to Sweden"...

We Sold Our Farms  (page 72)
paragraph #5

-Here we place our money in a common pool
A check was later purchased in an English Bank
We received in exchange for our GOLD
So clean and pure
But when we tried to get it back
It was to us, FORBIDDEN
It was forwarded instead to a New York Banking House
We never did set eyes upon it 
The Gold we ne'-er did see
Because when we claimed payment
The money was taken out
There was an awful clamor as mentioned at the end of this song...
O'lord God protect us
Everyone on earth 
For giving oneself to danger and believing a HAWKERS word
My soul is a cold preventive
For those to take in
Who intended to Emigrant and have a unstable mind
Since older days - have lived pious folks good
It has happened so in bygone days 
It will happen so - FOREVER!!!

Who ever is feeling some discontent with any American banking organization that follows these original words as written by Robert L. Wright should find some comfort in the transmutation of energy and the ideal/notion that their concerns are heard and taken serious!

Below is from the Chi-Espirit Post Scroll Blog on Blogger ----

Intuition is the process of gathering data from the environment, via an accumulation of sources. Besides the 5 primary sensory receptor sources (EYE-EARS-SMELL-TASTE-TOUCH). There are infinite ways by which the data/stimulus exist.  Webster, defines INTUITION as : Quick and ready insight. Immediate apprehension or cognition. Knowledge or conviction grained by intuition. The power of faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inferences.

The ability to cognate data/stimulus is one instance of intellect. Intellect again, only pertains to the ability to gather data, by which one is able to accomplish an objective. Daily  we all utilize intellect to maneuver ourselves through-out the environment.  When we use data that is without evident rational as defined by Webster. It becomes an issue as I posted on earlier blogs, regarding Michael Shermer and data by which a person utilizes non-rational decision by which they make decision. To rationalize these decision making variables, might seems ridiculous to the individual with the objective. It is by any means accessible that data can be obtain. Thus why limit ones self to a range of possible absolute terms.

Intuition is often explained in actions. Action by which a person seems to be or suggest that they are guided by feelings, emotions, unclear visions, all representing data that involves cognition, to be explained.  I have often wondered, that in Shamanism, when a Shaman returns from the other realm (Non Conscious Reality) the data that they return with, is cognated or is it simple energy that then must be cognated to be understood. This is the difference between the information that Websters states as being, 'without evident rational'--WHY, because it can not be explained in terms of the human physical realm. In general some articles which explain this subject, bring into existence subjects such as Coded DNA and intuition and the process by which data is in some non-mass form (light, energy, smoke) and cognition along with patterns of Phonetics. The patterns in indigenous cultures have rhythmic beats that directly affect the individuals emotions and mood.     and .

In religion intuition is the connection one may be able to obtain by synching with the environment by which one lives. The term and conditions by which CHI is obtain, is the syncing advantage that empowers an individual. Some are more apt to render the data that is provided from God and the word (Bible) and in turn present that into something that is more advantage to others. It's a collective learning experience. When it takes on a faith basis, the factor of collective become even more rational. Seeming some will intentionally go through great lengths to prevent data from being obtained. I always think of earlier times in history when Christians may not have been able to fully developed full interest  Sir John Polkinghorne and thoughts of what would come to be quantum physics and faith. When I learned about Samuel Longhorn Clemens, regretting the fact that he left GOD out of the equation of life, that had been good to him. He stated the fact that 'God channeled those Great American Literary works through him. Using him to bring them into development until they where PERFECT!'

1 comment:

  1. My peace and sad reality of leaving my native America would be to find PEACE on AFRICAN soil. By which I have always made it known since 2001 in Las Vegas, my intent to denounce my citizenship as I move forward and the stress of unanswered reality which a portion of insanity verse my very liberty and security and TRUST! It's not worth it and still NO CLOSURE!!!
