Saturday, September 30, 2017

Issues with San Francisco, Homelessness, Housing, and Civil Liberties of an American Sub-Collective.

Issues with San Francisco, Homelessness, Housing, and Civil Liberties of an American Sub-Collective.
P. Goree 9/30/2017. San Francisco

San Francisco transitioning is difficulty . No, Clinton's TANF 5 year total benefits was not a solution to renewal habituation. Renewal habituation is not an expenditure of the societal economy - it is the true cost of a stronger future, under favorable conditions.

For me, the ideal of forward transitioning that will result in positive social integration. Is dampened by Margaret Finn and Johnny Garcia from South West Behavioral Services in Phoenix, AZ. Their neglectful non-professional actions had a direct effect on my housing transitioning. Their obligation as case managers with housing placement duties. Where not administered in such a way to prevent hostility between clients. Their neglect to attend to other civic professionals warnings regarding housing placement of myself and another client was ignored.

Had Mrs. Finn and J. Garcia attended to the Phoenix Police Departments request for a 'separation intervention '- much could have been prevented. Then grievances filed with HUD-D.C. (as complicated as they are) only resulted in HUD refusing to attend to any procedural grievances. Seeming HUD D.C. only attends to discrimination grievances. All other grievances are filtered to regional HUD offices. For Arizona that regional HUD location is in San Francisco , California.

There are no extremes a citizen should not go through to get the SERVICE THEY DESERVE AS A TAX PAYING CITIZEN IN THIS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. My grievance was to HUD DC, as formatted and regulated by them. Thus I as an American citizen demand a response from them.  Not San Francisco regional HUD. San Francisco regional HUD did not create or legislate the bylaws by which HUD funding is distributed to/ varied Category Grants - then divided to the separate regional HUD offices across the nations.

Providing little room for regional alterations to specific regional needs often overlooked or not equated in federal macro logistics. So if I had to take my compliant all the way from Phoenix, Arizona through much of California to get some 'CITIZEN DESERVED HOUSING ATTENDANCE ' : then more power to me and my LIBERTY for I have done so.

Alone the way have experienced the under folding of Americas worst doing - homelessness unattended to efficiently by our elected officials. We the people, for the people, by the people DEMAND new fair housing. In San Francisco I wrote little notes and placed them on the sidewalks of the community where I often sleep on the pavement.  In the note,  I simply asked that those who pick up one  - Ask Margaret Finn to give Paul Goree closure! Chiespirit De Mon faire-Google Paul Goree. This is how important CLOSURE is. I can't wait to be fully integrated into San Francisco as a optimistic civically involved citizen. But without closure this is not possible. It is a certain failure in the making. How is one excepted to move forward, when the door of the past is still open and has an affect on motivation to move forward in a successful utilitarian way. Instead no closure places me in an even worst ordeal, whereby CIVIC TRUST is not a strong as it could or should be.

We can only pray their total interest will secure a tomorrow as we know of it now. Instead of American society  being CATAPULTED in a new foreign direction. That does not attend to our democracy nor the freedoms obtained through liberty. Tomorrow's American future I witnessed while living in San Diego June 2015-Sept 2015...The civil liberties violating Ambassador of Security, Guards which over populate the city. Providing a sense of security through their presence.  As they approach you with intent to advise you to move for loitering they take your picture and seem to send it someone/somewhere . They send your picture somewhere or to someone before even informing you of the minor violation. You are not innocent until proven guilty . If you begin to ask the Ambassador of Security why they took your picture and where they sent it ? They will ignore you and proceed with a script informing you of the violation they observed, ask you identifying questions , then ask you to remove yourself from the property usually

The only answer to your inquiry is that all of the questions and etc data is only used if an official complaint is made which begins with any further disruption from you except attend to the request demand-by which loitering is not allowed.  Loitering is having no purposeful reason for being on ANY property without ownership or permission of ownership .

With out closure how am I to trust civic professionals. How is any citizen going to full trust the entire civic regimes/depart mental organizations we establish and pay for to serve our civic needs.  Riots could result because I as well as others are coming to realization that WE THE PEOPLE can't trust civic officials and their loyalties.  Could this be some type of terrorist intent.

As I have attempted living in several countries in California - I am disappointed that some disturbed silent attitude loons over a citizen right to be mobile. I refuse to have officials or other citizen individuals dictate where I find comfort in this state or nation to live. It seems we are almost punished for not remaining idle in one geographical location. As if we can not roam the state or nation anymore.

I feel San Francisco has a heavy delusional exception for association. This is healthy for a strong community perhaps -but must acknowledge the right of an individual to experience where they will possibly live and contribute to for a lifetime. If this can't be acknowledge, then I say  "Leave me the CLOWN off your invite/friend list. I'd rather RETREAT as Thoreau did in 'Walden'".

As for homeless citizens in San Francisco. The concept of the traditional transitioning that results in full independent reintegration into society - is weighted by the extreme cost of housing. Something Western Regional HUD (being located here) can not overlooked. At this point since arriving in San Francisco I have not seen or heard regional HUD within the communities. Get into the environment of this region! It would be something I except seeming HUD D.C. has referred me and my housing issue to San Francisco.

I am overwhelmed with what seems like not true housing options that are independent. Even with successful vocational transitioning, housing in San Francisco is not going to be less than $1800 rent. Ownership seem out of possible economic range. Even with rent to own rental agreements like some cities like Las Vegas have.

The prospects of acquiring a single bedroom apartment, alone is not to be A GIVEN in any city as homeless rates rise nationally .  Under the most extreme 'coping' conditions (A.Maslow) the economy average working class options are co-op living. This will have an altering affect on our nation until some legislation guaranteed housing is accessible and acquired by a majority of working class, working poor Americans.

I have contracted regional HUD in San Francisco informing them of their unforeseen future as the delegated guarantors of regional affordable housing as 'Universal Housing's detailed as a necessity in Abraham Maslow's work of upward societal hierarchy of survival mode.

Another issue regards the usage of weekly/monthly motels that often provide interim residential stability until affordable housing and deposits etc, can be established. Currently there is a POP CULTURAL TREND whereby city residents might be priced out of such locations by tourist dollars. Although tourism is essential to the economy. The invisible strain it places on the city as residents experience increased transitioning/housing complications are not warranted.

As an American I do have the right to take (march) my discontent to Washington D.C. or Sacramento or any city in this nation I feel relevant.  My intention to dramatize the importance of CLOSURE in case management will not go unattended. Seeming it results in perpetual collective stress upon the entire community. If one citizen is mistreated then silence ensures all will slowly lose their civil liberties and collective people power!

 This results in stressed decision making which is done under extreme conditions -ending with recidivism of social services and encouragement to utilize ones LIBERTY effectively.  I was undertaking intense academic/professional employment -with intent to utilize my experience and education as an advocator for a new type of social service titled Department of State Economic Security. This focus on the relevance of every state citizen and our collective effort to ensure that the majority are capable of utilizing their LIBERTY to be all that they can be, without exclusion from prior lived and learn situations (day to day survival in society.)

I can hope that through social internet networks and my consistent (at times unexplainable - awkward behavior) is acknowledged as purposeful intent to create a real interactive occurrence whereby the real as lived and experienced events of my life become a public demonstration to others; of our true non-invisible dependency upon one another. To grow from our collective indifferences towards a stronger UNITED Nation with a higher tolerance and appreciation for individualism.

Seeming we as Americans do have civil liberties by which our involvement is a subjective decision.  I completely understand and accept this subjective decision. Thus to falsely be made obligated to say YES, and blindly surrender my individual right to a non-impressive collective. Is my decision and can not considered wrong with mal intent. As to use social cohesive manipulation to obtain my cooperation.

I would be failing myself and all other Americans if I truly placed my liberty on the block for sale. Or affiliate without a full face to face discourse of another's intent and platform. Why shouldn't I question any efforts advanced towards me that I find deceptive.  If anything it serves the suspicious collective justly as I am only one of million Americans by which they have the right to solicit.  With that I do have my right to utilize my 1st Amendment right to express my life story as lived by me -expressed by me.

This is our mutual collective American RESPECT for one another. What American truly believes that another American doesn't deserve their full liberties?  And which American can express without being a hypocrite that another American does not deserve their full liberties . I'd hope, none !

So as I continue to seek closure, to cement these events as collective development for future advancements of Sociology and Social Welfare.  I desire to fully grow from these past relationships with fellow citizens and with scheduled progressive therapy and education will be part of a teamed project dedicated to the advancement of the American working class.


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